San Marcos University Admission Test Results: UNMSM medical students demand to investigate alleged fraud in recent test | Jerí Ramón RMMN | PERU

The Center for Medical Students of the National University of San Marcos demanded that the rector, Jerí Ramón, and the Academic Vice-chancellor, Carlos Cabrera, investigate and clarify the complaints about alleged plagiarism and impersonation on the day of the admission exam held on Saturday March 12, because he considers that “it calls into question the transparency” of the process, “damaging the image” of the UNMSM.

We ask that those applicants with suspicious and coincident scores that produced a massive draw never before seen during an admission process be investigated; as well as the different sources from which it is presumed that the exam questions were filtered prior to its completion.”, the statement read.

In this last process, after the publication of the results of the ‘A’ Health Sciences area, there was a massive tie in the top 10 positions, occupying the first 58 vacancies with almost perfect scores for the Human Medicine career, an event never before viewed”, he noted elsewhere.

The Center for Medical Students of the National University of San Marcos He pointed out that in previous years there were “unscrupulous people” who “facilitated” access to a vacancy “in a well-organized way,” which raises the suspicion that “alleged authorities involved in the organization of the admission exam or systematized mafias.”

We urge you to improve the security of the admission process so as not to harm those applicants who aspire to a vacancy and daily make an effort and invest their time and money to reach it fairly.”, he added.


The National University of San Marcos (UNMSM)through the Central Admissions Office, rejected the alleged leak of the 2022-II admission exam after users on social networks denounced this fact.

We strongly reject this attempt to discredit, since the strict security measures applied in the preparation, printing and distribution of the exam guarantee the suitability of the admission process.”, the university specified in a statement.

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