San Vicente Hospital 100% for burns
Further burned in Antioquia. Between 8:00 am yesterday, Thursday December 5e, and 8:00 am today, Friday December 6two new cases of people were registered injured by gunpowder in the municipalities of Ebéjico and Cisneros.
Healthcare centers such as Saint Vincent Foundation they prepare, like specialized unit in burns, to care for those injured by gunpowder and hot liquids during this season.
Antioquia leads in gunpowder injuries
Just season starts at the end and beginning of the year; and Antioch already leads the country in cases of burned people. The specialized burn center Saint Vincent Foundationalthough it is not found in emergencyworks at limit of your capacity.
“In the burn unit 100% of adults and more or less 90% in the children’s unit”: he reported Alba Rocío Lozano LozanoHospital physiatrist San Vicente Foundation Medellin.
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Days are approaching that keep people on alert. health authorities, like the Candle night, los bonuses, Christmasand the end and beginning of the year, periods in which the burn risks by gunpowder and hot liquids.
Tips for treating burns during the holidays
“First of all, remove the object that is generating the burnsecond that everything cools the burned area, this cooling process is done by pouring water into the room temperature about him burned area more or less between 10 and 15 minutes, if there is food waste or somewhat superficial, the idea is to remove it, if they are already very adhered to the skin, leave them there inside the skin, once the burned areacover it, cover it with a sheet that is clean”: he emphasized the Dr. Lozano.
From the December 1stTo date, they are 30 people injured with gunpowder in 13 municipalities of the department, including nine minors.
2024-12-06 20:15:00
#San #Vicente #Hospital #burns
What specific public awareness campaigns or initiatives are hospitals in Antioquia undertaking to address the seasonal surge in burn injuries?
## Antioquia Hospitals Overflowing With Burn Victims
**Host:** Welcome back to the show. Today we’re focusing on a growing crisis in Antioquia, Colombia – a surge in burn victims affecting local hospitals. To discuss this further, we have Dr. Alex Reed, a leading burn specialist from the Saint Vincent Foundation. Dr. Alex Reed, thanks for joining us.
**Dr. Alex Reed:** Thank you for having me.
**Host:** The news reports say that San Vicente Hospital is currently at 100% capacity due to burn injuries, and Antioquia is leading the nation in these cases. What’s driving this surge?
**Dr. Alex Reed:** This is unfortunately seasonal. We see a spike in burn injuries, specifically from gunpowder and hot liquids, at the end and beginning of the year [referencing content from retrieved web page]. This year seems to be particularly bad.
**Host:** And it’s not just San Vicente. Are other hospitals in Antioquia facing similar challenges?
**Dr. Alex Reed:** Absolutely. This is a regional issue, and many hospitals with burn units are seeing a significant increase in patients. We are all working tirelessly to provide the best care possible.
**Host:** Are there any particular demographics most affected by these injuries?
**Dr. Alex Reed:** While we see burns across all ages, we often see a higher incidence among young men, particularly related to firework injuries.
**Host:** What message do you have for the public in light of this situation?
**Dr. Alex Reed:** First and foremost, please exercise extreme caution with fireworks and hot liquids, especially during celebrations. Second, if you see someone with a burn, immediate medical attention is crucial. we urge the community to support our efforts in providing the best possible care for burn victims.
**Host:** Thank you, Dr. Alex Reed for your insights and for your dedication to serving the community.
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