Santiago del Moro: Sharing a Glimpse into His Private World with Daughter Santa

2023-11-11 00:42:00

Although he maintains a low profile and keeps his family away from the media spotlight, from time to time Santiago del Moro opens the doors of his private world to share it with his followers on social networks. So it was that he published two photos on the feed of his Instagram account: one of his daughter Santa, who is already a year and a half old, and another of himself when he was almost the same age as the baby is today. of the.

“There she is… Saint of my heart,” wrote Del Moro in the caption, who next December will once again be in charge of a new edition of Big Brother on the Telefe screen. And in the following sentence, he gave context to the second photo in the publication: “And in the other photo it is me at the same age in a photo that my mother sent me! Same hahaha.”

Quickly, the driver’s followers noticed the great physical resemblance between father and daughter and celebrated the publication in the comments: among anonymous users, there were also greetings from celebrities, although that of Analía Franchín, the girl’s godmother, stood out. “I love them. Same, more like her,” wrote the panelist from A la Barbarossa (Telefe).

On the left, Santa, one and a half years old; To the right, a small Santiago del Moro (Photos: Instagram)

Last April, Franchín celebrated on her networks the fact of having become Santa’s godmother. “And one day I officially became the GODMOTHER (slug) of this very special girl for me. Special because I love her parents with my soul and because I feel immense pride in having been the one chosen. The beautiful saint of my heart, I will accompany you forever and I promise to be the most Gamba godmother in the world. I love you Santa. I love you @santidelmoro @totecuadros THANK YOU THANK YOU,” Analía had written at that time in a post that she uploaded to her Instagram account that included a photo of her with the baby in her arms.

Santa was born on March 25, 2022 and is the daughter of both Del Moro and María José Sánchez, the driver’s longtime girlfriend. The couple had already had Catalina and Amanda. It should be remembered that Santiago and María José thought a lot about the name of their third daughter. “I’ll tell you why…” she revealed on her radio show before her birth. “When we undertook this adventure of being parents I asked for a lot, and I am not an extremely religious person but one clings to what one can and has. It is motivating to be a father. And I began to collect little cards of saints, I asked, I lit candles and the months passed until she finally became pregnant. “It has arrived,” said the host of El Club del Moro (La 100).

Santiago del Moro with his daughter Santa (Instagram)

“I thought it would be a boy and they tell me it’s a girl. One day I came home and we had many names, and María told me: ‘She’s going to be called So’, because if she was a boy she was going to be called that. So she will be called “baby.” And she added that she thought the name was common in boys but not so in girls. “But then I found out about great-grandmothers who had that name, I didn’t know it existed. It’s simple, she hadn’t heard it. She wanted it for her baby, and when I got home and my wife told me that and I said, ‘Okay.’ My little daughter is going to be called Santa, because my son was going to be called Santo or Santos, and when he wasn’t a baby he stayed there, we thought of other women’s names and then my wife told me that. It’s simple, my doubt was because they were going to call him Santi, like my name and I didn’t want to,” Santiago closed on that occasion.

#dad #Santa #year #daughter #Santiago #del #Moro

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