Santiago Remembers: 50th Anniversary of US-Backed Coup and Allende’s Assassination

2023-09-11 01:08:40

Monday Sep 11, 2023

Santiago marks half a century since the United States overthrew the government led by socialist leader Salvador Allende and imposed military rule in Chile. A document was released days ago that revealed that the military coup and the assassination of Allende were supported by the United States. The country also launched a national plan to investigate those who went missing in the coup. The US tried to prevent the democratically elected Allende government from coming to power. When this failed, the army overthrew the government on September 11, 1973 with the help of General Augusto Pinochet. Left parties were outlawed. Then there was a repressive regime under the leadership of Pinochet for 17 years. America became an ally. Over 3,000 people went missing or were killed during this period. About 38,000 people became political prisoners. Most of them were victims of torture. On the day of the coup, the report sent by the US intelligence agency CIA to American President Richard Nixon was released. The message read, ‘The military coup that has been promoted by President and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for three years has come to fruition’. Read on

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