Saturday excerpts

2024-03-16 00:09:42

A 106-year-old American has finished high school, becoming the oldest graduate of advanced education in the world.

Fred Butler had left education while he was in primary school due to family circumstances that forced him to work in order to earn a living. However, his eldest granddaughter decided to submit his papers to the school to give him another opportunity to complete his studies, after Butler suffered from depression following the death of his wife after a married life that lasted. 65 years old, which prompted his granddaughter to think about the issue, especially since – as I mentioned – he always talked about the importance of continuing the educational journey – if I were to meet that girl, I would kiss her forehead.


Microsoft headquarters houses what is known as the Silence Room, which is considered the quietest place on the planet, as anyone who enters it can clearly hear the beating of his heart and the crackling of his bones. Despite the quietness of the room, which cost $1.5 million, everyone who entered it was unable to stay in it for more than For 45 minutes straight, a few of those who entered the room complained of discomfort that was solely caused by the sound of their own breathing, or the continuous beating of their hearts.

Company engineer Hundraj Gopal, who built the Silence Room, said that some people enter the room for only one minute, after which they ask to leave immediately.

As I was reading about this room, I was trembling and repeating, Oh, protector, oh gentle! For paradise, which is paradise, if it were without people would not be trampled upon.


A few days ago, I met a friend who had just returned from an East Asian country, and he said to me: I had a wonderful experience. I wish you had been with me to enjoy it as much as I did. He continued, saying:

There, I entered a massage parlor, and they undressed me – that is, they took off my clothes – and they laid me on a table and brought three thick, long, and poisonous snakes. Their mouths were tied with adhesive tape. The snakes began to massage me instead of the masseuse, and they began to circle around my neck, lay on my back, and wrap around my stomach. And do not imagine the happiness and comfort in which you were.

This massage lasted for ninety minutes, which passed as if it were nine minutes, so do not miss this experience. Before we parted, he handed me the card with a picture and the address of the place, and as soon as he left, I threw it in the garbage can.

That night my dreams were all about snakes – may God not bring them back.

#Saturday #excerpts

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