Saudi Arabia and Turkey purchase Egyptian items

Egypt – Egyptian merchandise exports continued to rise for the fourth month in a row, reaching about 12 billion and 912 million {dollars}, through the first 4 months of 2024.

Egyptian Minister of Commerce and Trade Ahmed Samir mentioned that the biggest receiving markets for Egyptian merchandise exports through the first 4 months of this yr included the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a price of 1 billion and 96 million {dollars}, in comparison with 993.6 million {dollars} throughout the identical interval in 2023, and Turkey, with a price of 1 billion and 76 million {dollars}. for $900.5 million, Italy for $793.1 million versus $785.5 million, the United Arab Emirates for $735 million versus $460 million, and america of America for $716.2 million versus $587.1 million.

The minister identified that crucial export sectors that shaped the construction of Egyptian merchandise exports through the first 4 months of this yr included constructing supplies value two billion and 876 million {dollars}, meals industries value two billion and 102 million {dollars}, and chemical merchandise and fertilizers value one billion and 976 million {dollars}.

It additionally included agricultural crops value $1.765 billion, engineering and digital items value $1.701 billion, ready-made clothes value $855 million, spinning and textiles value $359 million, printing, packaging, paper, books, and creative works value $312 million, and medical industries value $214.5 million. $, furnishings value $185 million, furnishings value $87.9 million, handicrafts value $68 million, and leather-based, footwear and leather-based merchandise value $40 million.

Samir identified that essentially the most outstanding export gadgets that achieved a rise within the construction of Egyptian merchandise exports through the interval from January to April 2024 included contemporary and dried citrus fruits value $767 million, gold value $650 million, nitrogen fertilizers value $588.5 million, insulated wires and cables value $440 million, and oils. Oil value $362.4 million.

Supply: Egyptian media

#Saudi #Arabia #Turkey #purchase #Egyptian #items
2024-05-22 22:07:16

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