Sauerkraut Diet: How to Lose Weight and Boost Your Health with Fermented Cabbage

2023-11-15 08:43:51

Although most people probably associate sauerkraut with hearty tavern dishes, it can also be used without dumplings and roasts. In fact, pure herb is the ideal basis for quickly shedding a few kilos. It’s easy to prepare and rewards you with real enjoyment afterwards. We’ll tell you how the sauerkraut diet works and what health benefits it offers you.

How healthy is sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut is a popular traditional German dish that comes from fermented cabbage will be produced. During fermentation, sugars contained in food are metabolized by yeast, bacteria and fungi. This makes fermented foods last longer.

Sauerkraut is not only delicious and versatile, but also very healthy. Sauerkraut contains a variety of Vitamins and mineralswhich are essential for good health.

Sauerkraut is rich in Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and improves the body’s defenses. It also supports the Collagen production, which is important for healthy skin, hair and nails. In addition to vitamin C, sauerkraut also contains vitamin A, which ensures good eyesight and healthy skin, as well as vitamins B6 and K, which play a supportive and positive role in metabolism and blood clotting.

In addition, sauerkraut is a good source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron and zinc. Calcium is important for strong bones and teeth, while magnesium is needed for muscle relaxation and energy metabolism. Potassium supports the function of nerves and muscle cells as well as the fluid balance in the body. Iodine is important for thyroid health, while iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Zinc plays an important role in the Strengthening the immune system and wound healing.

Another health-promoting component of sauerkraut are the so-called Isothiocyanate. These compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and will be in Studies with a reduction in the risk of various chronic diseases, including certain Types of cancerconnected.

In the video: This is how you can easily make the trendy food kimchi yourself from sauerkraut

What is the sauerkraut diet?

Don’t worry, that Sauerkraut diet is by no means one Mono diet. So you don’t have to live on fermented cabbage all day long to get one few kilos to lose. Although sauerkraut is always the main component of every meal in this diet, it is permitted and even desirable to supplement it with other foods.

The idea behind it: your stomach will be with you low-calorie cabbage filled, which will keep you full for a long time. The lactic acid contained in sauerkraut as well as minerals, fiber and vitamins are intended to prevent deficiency symptoms and strengthen the immune system. The diet is also healthy.

How does the sauerkraut diet work?

During the sauerkraut diet, a generous portion of sauerkraut is eaten with every meal. In fact, there are only 19 kilocalories in 100 grams. Unlike many diets, with this diet you also eat other foods. There are no strict bans – but avoid if possible high-fat and high-calorie products. Also pay attention to one adequate fluid intake. You can drink a glass of sauerkraut juice in the morning to aid digestion.

Whether you choose vegetables or lean meat with sauerkraut, it’s important to limit your total calorie intake to a maximum of 1,000 calories per day. Also avoid high-fat foods and prefer healthy fats such as linseed oil, olive oil or fish, which contain valuable proteins. Depending on which one Weight loss goal you have, it is expected to take a few days to a week to complete.

Why do you lose weight with sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut has one extremely low calorie content, as it consists mainly of fermented cabbage. A 100 gram serving of sauerkraut contains around 19 kilocalories. Including sauerkraut in a low-calorie diet can help Calorie deficit to achieve what can ultimately lead to weight loss.

The herb is also rich in fiberwhich can help improve the feeling of satiety and the reduce hunger. When you feel full, you’re less likely to consume unnecessary calories. Hunger attacks are avoided on the sauerkraut diet.

Another perfect prerequisite for successfully losing weight: sauerkraut is a natural source of probiotics (lactic acid bacteria), living microorganisms that support intestinal health. Healthy intestinal flora can improve digestion and optimize the absorption of nutrients. Healthy digestion can contribute to more efficient weight loss.

How do you prepare sauerkraut correctly?

When purchasing sauerkraut, make sure it is not pasteurized. This heating process kills the valuable lactic acid bacteria. In order to preserve as many nutrients as possible, you should not wash the sauerkraut, which is best bought ready-made from the market, and cook it gently at a low level.

You can also make sauerkraut from scratch. However, it takes a few weeks for the herb to finish fermenting.

Which sauerkraut is suitable for losing weight?

Some versions of sauerkraut contain additional calories depending on how they are prepared or refined. If you want to use sauerkraut to lose weight, you should therefore look for variations without added sugar or pay attention to fat. Use best homemade sauerkrautto ensure there are no unwanted ingredients. Sauerkraut from a barrel or bag is also suitable for the sauerkraut diet. Ready-made, pasteurized sauerkraut is not recommended for the diet.

Sauerkraut diet: these are its benefits

The sauerkraut diet has many advantages for losing weight: First of all, it is easy to follow and does not impose too strict rules. This means you don’t have to constantly worry about restrictions and can remain flexible.

Another big plus is that the diet is not permanent Feeling hungry caused. This is a common problem with diets that require you to avoid many foods completely. You can still eat your fill on the sauerkraut diet.

If you also eat a varied diet, you don’t have to worry about nutrient deficiencies. Sauerkraut also contains many important vitamins and minerals and can therefore contribute to general health and strengthen your immune system.

Sauerkraut is rich in Vitamin C, which is known to strengthen the body’s defenses and can therefore help prevent illnesses. Also contains sauerkraut Lactic acid bacteriawhich supports healthy intestinal flora and thus improves and stimulates digestion.

Sauerkraut is also available in several different ways Studies said to reduce the risk of breast cancer and relieve anxiety.

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Sauerkraut diet: these are its disadvantages

However, the sauerkraut diet also has some disadvantages that should not be underestimated. On the one hand, it can lead to one Nutrient deficiency come when you eat too one-sided diet.

In addition, although sauerkraut contains some important vitamins such as vitamin C, other vitamins such as B12, B6 and K are missing in significant quantities. Vitamin B12 in particular is essential for a healthy diet and cannot be adequately supplied with a one-sided diet containing sauerkraut. A Vitamin B12 Deficiency can lead to long-term health problems such as anemia or cardiovascular disease.

Also a Yo-Yo Effect is very likely after the diet if you don’t change your diet afterwards.

Discover delicious sauerkraut recipes for your diet

Sauerkraut diet: This is our conclusion

The sauerkraut diet is good for quickly lose a few kilos. Sauerkraut can be a good source of fiber and vitamin C, helping to boost your metabolism and support your digestive tract. However, it is important to supplement the diet with enough protein and healthy fats and not to eat only sauerkraut, as this can lead to Deficiency symptoms can lead. Also make sure you drink enough fluids.

Our tip: Stick to the sauerkraut diet for a limited period of time and change your diet in the long term to include lots of fruit, vegetables and plenty of protein.

How does the sauerkraut diet work?

During the sauerkraut diet, a generous portion of sauerkraut is eaten with every meal. However, unlike many mono-diets, it is permitted and even encouraged to eat other foods.

How much can you lose weight with sauerkraut?

With the sauerkraut diet you can lose up to 1.5 kilograms per week.

How much sauerkraut can you eat a day?

Nutritional science recommends eating around 100 to 150 grams of sauerkraut per day. That’s about two to three heaped forks.

Which sauerkraut to lose weight?

If you want to use sauerkraut to lose weight, you should look for versions without added sugar or fat. It’s best to use homemade sauerkraut to ensure it doesn’t contain any unwanted ingredients.

#fermented #cabbage #beneficial #diet

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