Say Goodbye to Chin Hair: Effective Methods of Hair Removal

2023-06-07 06:36:32

Chin hair: how to get rid of it

You may notice a small black hair, or several, growing on your chin. If they are not dangerous to health, they can bother you and be unsightly. How to get rid of it?

Where do they come from ?

Those hairs that grow on our chin or near the neck are usually darker and thicker than the others. They are not dangerous, don’t worry. In general, when they occur, they are linked to a hormonal imbalance. You should also know that hair growth increases with age, especially after menopause. Which explains why the kisses from your old aunt Juliette sting so much. Also, in case of excessive growth of hair on the chin, consult a doctor, as it may be related to abnormal hormonal imbalance.

hair removal

The simplest solution is that of tweezers. But not anyhow. Cleanse the area and exfoliate. Sterilize the forceps with a little alcohol. Then pull sharply in the direction of hair growth. The problem with this method is that the hair can break. In this case, prefer the electric epilator. The latter will allow you to remove the hair and the bulb. The regrowth is also longer.


This method also eliminates the hair in depth, with the bulb. The area is much clearer. Opt for an oriental sugar wax, softer for the skin. Your skin will be softer. But the risk is to have to repeat the operation each time, because you eliminate the down, which risks growing back thicker and showing.

#Chin #hair #rid

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