SCGP Broker Points Paper-Energy Costs Past Peak Keep an eye on this year’s profits recovering to 7.04 billion.

Capital Nomura Securities Public Company Limited stated in an analysis today (March 29, 2023) that SCG Packaging Public Company Limited (SCGP) is a leader in the integrated packaging industry. The circuit in Southeast Asia, benefiting from economies of scale, strong financial position, and the potential to see continued M&A, JV expansion in 2023, is expected to benefit from China’s opening up to support demand for packaging to recover.

While the cost of paper and energy is expected to have passed its peak, the profit in 2023 is expected to recover well, growing 22% compared to the same period last year to 7.04 billion baht. After the sales volume in January-February continued to recover compared to the previous month, especially packaging paper that improved after China opened the country.

The stock price is currently trading on PER23F at 29 times, looking at the stock in the accumulation zone. After responding to the final adjustment leg market but the trend of cost is still gradually recovering

In addition, momentum plus Alibaba shares 14% after the company restructured its business. Hope for long-term market results and Jack Ma appeared in China during the year. reflects the relaxation of regulations Plus per related group Ecommerce recommends a target price of 58.50 baht.

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