Scientists find ‘heart’ from 380-million-year-old Koko fish fossils – complete tissue shock

Scientists find ‘heart’ from 380-million-year-old Koko fish fossils – complete tissue shock

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A team of scientists found “heart”BBC Sept. 16 reports of significant progress after Curtin University scientists in perth Western Australia Australia Discover “heart” More than 380 million years old in fossils “Coco Fish” Extinct prehistoric fish

The newly discovered specimen of the healthy heart of the coco fish holds the key to the evolution of the blood-pumping organs found in all vertebrates, including humans.

Professor Kate Trinagestic, Chief Scientist at Curtin University The astonishing discovery was revealed in the journal Science that the moment the Koko heart sample was found. He and his fellow scientists recently realized that this was the largest discovery in life. “A lot of people are crowded around computers, we just know this is heartbreaking and it’s hard to believe. It was very exciting.”

The fish are perfectly preserved in boulders found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Professor Trinagestic said. And that very old fossils are usually bone rather than tissue. But the discovery at the Gogo Formation region in the Kimberley region The minerals in this area help preserve the internal organs of this primitive fish, including the liver, stomach, intestines and heart.

Professor John Long, a colleague from Flinders University in Adelaide. South Australia Said it was an incredible discovery and mouth-watering. “Until now, we didn’t know about tissues in this old animal,” Professor Long reiterated.

and that the cod is the first fish in its class Placoderm It was also the first fish to have jaws and teeth. Plus, unlike the fish of earlier eras, which normally had a body length of no more than 30 centimeters, but fish in the Plakoderm class could grow up to 9 meters. Lived more than 100 million years before the dinosaurs. First to live on this planet

The team of scientists also stated that Scans of koko fish fossils from the Kimberley region show that its heart is more complex than previously thought for primitive fish. The heart of the koko fish has two chambers, one superimposed on top of the other heart. and has a similar structure to the human heart. This makes the heart of the goko fish more powerful and is an important step in the transition from a slow-moving fish to a fast-moving underwater predator.

Artist’s impression of the Gogo fish : Researchers have discovered a 380-million-year-old heart preserved inside a fossilised prehistoric fish. They say the specimen captures a key moment in the evolution of the blood-pumping organ found in all back-boned animals, including humans.

From 380 million-year-old cod fish fossils - stunned intact tissue

A fossil of the head of a Gogo fish with large eye sockets. The heart belonged to a fish known as the Gogo, which is now extinct. BBC

From 380 million-year-old cod fish fossils - stunned intact tissue

The researchers scanned inside the boulders to discover a liver, stomach, intestines and a heart, shown in red.

The Gogo fish’s heart had two chambers, one above the other, which went on to evolve into the human heart.

From 380 million-year-old cod fish fossils - stunned intact tissue

The preserved stomach of a Gogo fish fossil under the microscope. CREDIT:CURTIN UNIVERSITY

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