Scientists Say Freddie Mercury’s Voice is One of the Best in the World


Who is your favorite singer of all time? Surely the answer can be very diverse, depending on the taste of each individual. However, research suggests that Queen’s vocalist, Freddie Mercury, has a sound that belongs to the all-time category. The reason is, Mercury has a unique voice and is interesting to discuss from the scientific side.

That’s what the research called ‘Freddie Mercury – acoustic analysis of the fundamental frequency of speech, vibrato and sub-harmonics;’. The study was carried out by Austrian, Czech and Swedish researchers in partnership with the University of Czech Republic, Palacký Olomouc.

Launch Rock and Roll Garage, as seen Monday (3/10/2022) the larynx of the singer from London, England was studied to have 4,000 frames per second. This is proof that Mercury was born with the ability to sing sub-harmonic, or in other words, he is able to give a unique growl tone in his songs. For example, you can hear the song ‘Under Pressure’, where Freddie sings the lyrics ‘Why can’t we give love that one more chance.’.

Again, the bone structure of the singer’s face which has one extra tooth is not only visually appealing. With this structure, it has an above-normal amplitude and a vocal range of 37 semitones, which is almost four octaves. There are 12 semitones per octave.

The survey further analyzes the songs’Bohemian Rhapsody‘ and ‘Love of My Life’ in detail. It was concluded that Mercury’s vocal cords move faster than most people. Typically, vibrato, a singing technique, vibrates between 5.4 Hz and 6.9 Hz, while Queen leader sings in the 7.04 Hz range. Finally, researchers concluded that Freddie Mercury was born with a natural singing talent.

Hmm, not surprising, really. Freddie Mercury’s voice is indeed very beautiful in bringing his songs, besides that his performance on stage also adds a plus in every appearance. Agree or not, detectives?

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