SEA approves 95 MW wind farm between Yungay and Pemuco – The Discussion 2024-02-14 23:12:51

In 2022, on September 15, the environmental impact declaration (DIA) of the Dañicalqui Wind Farm project was submitted to the Environmental Evaluation Service (SEA), which will be located in the commune of Yungay, almost on the border with the commune of Pemuco. north of the Perquenco estuary, and whose transmission line will extend to the commune of Pemuco.

A project that will have a nominal power of 95.2 MW, thanks to its 14 wind turbines, producing electrical energy from the kinetic energy of the wind, which is captured by the blades, which is transformed into electricity by a generator located in the gondola of each structure.

Almost 16 months later, the Environmental Evaluation Service (SEA) approved the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the Dañicalqui Wind Farm project, belonging to Eólica Dañicalqui SpA.

The initiative considers a total investment of US$120 million and will have a power of 95.2 MW. Regarding its composition, the plant will be made up of 14 wind turbines, in addition to a 5.3-kilometer 220 kV transmission line, which will be connected to the Entre Ríos substation, owned by Transelec.

The project will have a useful life of 35 years and is expected to create up to 170 jobs during its construction phase. Its entry into operation is estimated for early 2026.

Dañicalqui is a large-scale wind project in the region. The initiative was presented by Eólica Dañicalqui SpA, linked to the Penquista company Consorcio Eólico, which in August 2022 achieved environmental approval for its first energy project in the Ñuble Region: the Entre Cerros renewable park, made up of a wind farm (46 .2 MW) and a photovoltaic park (43.8 MW), which will be located in Portezuelo and which represents an investment of US$100.3 million.

Consorcio Eólico has developed other projects in the Biobío and La Araucanía regions. He sold two to the Spanish company Acciona in Renaico; while to the North American AES Chile, he sold one in Mulchén and another in Los Angeles.

In the context of the decarbonization process of the Chilean energy matrix, which, among other measures, implies the exit of thermoelectric plants from the system, renewable energy projects are attractive for generating companies, which allows us to anticipate that projects such as Entre Cerros, and later, Dañicalqui, can be sold without difficulties.

#SEA #approves #wind #farm #Yungay #Pemuco #Discussion

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