Searching for a black hole | Arab News

Searching for a black hole Where God Almighty created the universe around us and made it contain many different bodies, each of which plays an important role, and new things are discovered every day about the universe around us, and in the coming lines we will talk about this topic as we will learn about the most important information about this hole in detail.

Black hole

God Almighty has created a vast universe and a large space that contains many different components and objects, where there are many stars, planets, moons, galaxies, meteorites and meteors, as well as parts of dust and gases, and black holes are among the most important objects that exist in space, which vary in sizes, some of which are large Some of them are very small and some are medium in size, and many theories have been developed that explain the existence of black holes in space, and the most famous of these theories is that black holes were initially stars, but they did not have enough energy and thus turned into stars. Black holes, and the most important characteristic of black holes is that they do not absorb different objects, but rather that these objects fall into them. Some scientists also make assumptions about the transformation of the sun’s star into a black hole, since it is a star that can turn into a type of black hole.[1]

See also: What is a black hole

Introduction to black hole research

There are many different celestial bodies and bodies in space, each of which is characterized by a set of distinctive characteristics and characteristics, and many different relationships may arise between these celestial bodies and each other for the sake of their continued existence, such as the relationships that arise between stars, planets and moons, and there are many Objects that result from different interactions in space that may have different effects on other objects and sometimes also on planet Earth.

Searching for a black hole

People often search for information about the black hole as one of the phenomena that can be seen in space by telescopes, and in the coming lines we will talk about this hole and the most important characteristics that distinguish it as well as the most important types, benefits and damages that this hole may cause and many other information on this subject with some detail.

What is a black hole

A black hole is defined as a hole in space where light cannot escape from it, and therefore it is called a black hole, and because of this color, these holes are not visible to the naked eye, and therefore their vision requires the presence of special telescopes with which astronauts climb in order to see them, where they are Observing the movement of stars near the black hole in order to monitor its movement, and there are several different types of black holes, some of them are large in size and others are small and reach the size of a small atom, and many theories have been put forward that explain the existence of black holes in space, such as that At the end of their life cycle, massive stars turn into this hole.[1]

Types of black holes

There are different types of black holes that exist in space, and the most important of these types are:[1]

  • Supermassive black holes: They are found in large galaxies and are estimated at millions and billions of solar masses.
  • Medium-density black holes: They are the ones that can turn into huge holes and their mass is estimated at only thousands of the mass of the sun.
  • Major black holes: These are the holes formed by the collapse of some massive stars at the end of their lives.
  • Primordial black holes: They are those holes that have a mass equal to or less than the mass of the Earth and that are said to have been formed at the time of the Big Bang.

See also: What is in the center of the Milky Way?

How are black holes formed?

Scientists have put forward many theories that explain the existence of black holes in space, and the most famous of these theories is that black holes were initially huge and massive stars, but they lost their energy and thus turned into a black hole, where many different nuclear reactions take place inside stars where hydrogen parts merge The stars inside the stars in order to form helium gas, which results in many reactions, and when there is a loss of energy inside the star, it begins to form black holes, which vary in mass according to the mass of the star forming them.[1]

How does a black hole affect other objects

A black hole does not absorb other objects when it meets it, but rather falls inside it, as black holes have a great gravitational pull that makes the various objects that approach them expand and thus fall inside them, while when stars approach the black hole, it tears them apart, and black holes do not affect the Earth in one way or another. This is because all black holes are far from planet Earth, and even if the sun turns into a black hole, it will not attract the Earth, but the Earth will still revolve around it as the Earth revolves around the Sun.[1]

See also: Astronomers can observe the motion of galaxies by observing the Doppler shift

Benefits of black holes

Black holes have great benefits and importance, although they also have some disadvantages. The most important benefits of black holes are as follows:[2]

  • Understand and explain many cosmic phenomena that occur around us, such as the movement of stars, their emergence and death, which helps to understand the universe.
  • The composition of the Milky Way, in which various living creatures live.
  • Preserve the density of the universe in which different galaxies are located.
  • The emission of different types of electromagnetic radiation which are of great importance to the planet.
  • The emission of a lot of important materials to space such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and other materials important for the continued existence of space and celestial bodies.
  • The formation of certain stars within the galaxy as well as the destruction of some other types of stars as they approach it.

Black holes damage

Despite the many benefits of black holes, they may result in some damage at the galactic level, the most important of which are the following:[1][2]

  • Devouring all materials that come close to it, whether objects, gases, or different materials, which leads to the shredding of those materials.
  • The emission of high temperatures, which leads to the destruction of various materials and objects, but black holes do not affect the Earth in one way or another, because all black holes are far from the planet.

See also: The reason why galaxies are in clusters

The conclusion of a search for a black hole

At the end of our search for black holes, the universe is full of a large number of celestial bodies, of which black holes are part, which were formed as a result of the presence of stars, but they did not have enough energy and thus turned into black holes, but these holes are important for the continued existence of a galaxy trail The Milky Way is far from Earth and therefore cannot harm it.

Finally, we have written search for black hole, We also learned about how this hole is formed, as well as its different types, its most important benefits and harms, and many other information on this topic in detail.

the reviewer

  1. ^ , What Is a Black Hole? , 29/01/2022
  2. ^
    The , What Earth Owes to Black Holes , 29/01/2022

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