Sector by sector: who will not pay Profits from the government and CGT agreement

He Ministry of Economy notified this Monday, April 10, that more than 600,000 workers in a dependency relationship will stop paying Income Tax for a series of additional agreements, and just a few hours ago it detailed one by one which are the benefited sectors.

No, judges do not have to pay Income Tax

The agreement established between the Palacio de Hacienda and the CGT will allow them to benefit

  • 135,657 teachers, police and security forces;
  • 101,325 jobs in the industrial sector;
  • 81,504 health workers and auxiliary health services in the private sector;
  • 74,925 transportation employees;
  • 50,078 of the trade.
  • 46,666 workers from service companies;
  • 22,909 from banks and the insurance sector;
  • 18,201 from private education;
  • 12,632 from construction and
  • 56,103 of “other activities”.

As estimated by the Ministry of Economy, the pocket wage improvement, sDepending on the areas in which each employee performs, they may reach up to 16%.

In which province will there be more beneficiaries for not paying Profits?

Of those 600,000 employees who will benefit from the measure, the bulk is located in the province of Buenos Aires, followed by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, although a significant number also appears in Córdoba and Santa Fe.

  • 270,000 correspond to Buenos Aires,
  • 75,000 to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires,
  • 4,400 to Catamarca,
  • 4.890 a Chaco,
  • 11,800 in Chubut,
  • 48,800 to Cordoba,
  • 7,200 to Corrientes,
  • 15,300 to Entre Ríos,
  • 5,000 in Formosa,
  • 5,500 to Jujuy,
  • 7,400 to La Pampa,
  • 3,600 to La Rioja,
  • 21.600 a Mendoza,
  • 8,200 to Missions,
  • 12,707 to Neuquén,
  • 10,600 to Rio Negro,
  • 7,400 in Salta,
  • 7.200 a San Juan,
  • 6,300 in San Luis,
  • 3,800 to Santa Cruz,
  • 46,400 Santa Fe,
  • 4,400 to Santiago del Estero, and
  • 14,300 to Tucumán.

It is worth remembering that among the concepts that will no longer pay the tax are:

  • productivity bonuses,
  • failure of cash and concepts of a similar nature,
  • mobility, per diem and other similar compensation, overtime, additional per rotating shift and the like.

Taxpayers prefer the profit floor to be raised

While companies are waiting for the Government to implement the new changes in Earnings to prevent wage increases from affecting workers’ assetss, some tax experts suggest increasing the non-taxable minimum of the tax and avoid continuing to put “patches” to the norm.

How much can be deducted from Earnings for educational expenses?

This was stated to the Agency Argentine News, Cesar Litvin, the CEO of the Lisiki, Litvin y Asociados studio, who stated that the solution negotiated by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, with the leaders of the CGT “is violating the Income Tax Law.”

As Litvin recalled, article 110 of the law that governs the tax repeals all national laws, decrees or norms of lower rank that establish a total or partial exemption or deduction of concepts such as “representation expenses, travel expenses, mobility, special bonus, protocol, professional risk, technical coefficient, special or functional dedication, hierarchical or functional responsibility, uprooting and any other compensation of a similar nature , regardless of the assigned denomination”. .

according to his look “it is necessary to modify the law, because it expressly burdens those concepts”, although, nevertheless, he indicated: “I am in favor of generating relief for the workers.”

“This is not the solution. What you have to do is modify the non-taxable minimum,” said the tax adviser.

Meanwhile, in a chat with Perfil Silvia Andrea TedinPartner of the SMS Buenos Aires study indicated that the The measure aims to unify the treatment of these additional items in all the agreements. “Several agreements in this line had already obtained individual agreements as in the case of the oil companies, and even recently the bank employees,” he explained to PERFIL.

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Like Litvin, he pointed to the official decision as a partial settlement. “The measure ends up being a patch since It doesn’t resolve the underlying issue. which is that even adjusted deductions are running behind inflation and the salary floor from which profits begin to be taxed, which today is $404,331 of gross earnings, has fallen short of the acceleration of the inflation rate of the last two months. This, added to the parities that began to close several unions, leads those who did not pay to start paying,” he said.

a drop in the desert

According to Tedin’s look, it is about “palliative measures that, although they do not solve the underlying problem of the tax on workers’ earnings aim to improve the pocket salary of the worker in the very short term, relieving according to estimated calculations some 600,000 workers who receive additional payments”, he assured and recalled that they are still waiting to know the fine print that will be reflected in the Resolution shortly.

For his part, the taxpayer William Poch he agreed with Tedin’s look. “The rule tries to generate more money for employees in a dependency relationship because inflation increases its trend,” she said.

He Income Tax have annual updates that are not enough to compensate for inflation which has been growing gradually. That demands ever faster corrections.

Along these lines, Poch assured that the initiative of the government together with the trade unionists is in itself “a good measure, since it will put an extra 16% in the pockets of the employees, but it is still a palliative to the structural problems of Argentina which are mainly given by the inflation“, he concluded.


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