See the most common types of cancer in people under 40

The diagnosis of cancer is more frequent in people over 60 years old, this is because, with aging, it is more likely that mismatches arise in cell division. However, young adults under the age of 40 are also at risk of developing malignant tumors.

Oncologist Wesley Pereira Andrade, head of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery (SBCO), warns of the growth of diagnoses among the young population. “Cancer is more frequent among older people, but it is a myth to believe that it does not affect young people. By the way, in this group, diagnoses have been increasingly common, ”he says.

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According to the specialist, the most common tumors in young people are:

– Tumor cerebral;
– Breast cancer;
– Cancer of the cervix;
– Carcinomas: especially not digestive system;
– Cancer of the testes and ovaries;
– Thyroid cancer;
– Lymphomas.

Wesley Pereira Andrade recalls that, in any age group, patients should be aware of body changes. In addition to the appearance of physical signs, such as lumps, it is necessary to investigate symptoms that appear without any explanation and persist for more than three months. “If fatigue is excessive, if there is weight loss or change in bowel habits, the patient should see a doctor to find the cause”, says the specialist.

nonspecific signs

Oncologist Janyara Teixeira de Souza, who works at Rede D’Ór, in Brasília, explains that signs such as weight changes, excessive tiredness, pain that does not go away, lumps and swelling are the main symptoms to be monitored by younger people.

The doctor highlights lymphomas, leukemias, breast cancer and germ tumors – ovarian and testicular – as the most common in the population under 40 years old. “Some cancers have nonspecific symptoms, so it’s important not to minimize changes in mood and mood,” says the doctor.

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