Senate Criticizes Armed Forces Intervention in Santa Fe for Drug Trafficking: Analysis and Debate

2024-03-22 03:57:02

The head of the Senate criticized the intervention of the Armed Forces in the city of Santa Fe to stop drug trafficking.

March 22, 2024, 00:57am

The Minister of Security spoke in Verdad Consecuencia about the vice president’s statements. (Video: TN)

Luis Petri was a guest on Verdad Consecuencia and responded to Victoria Villarruel, who questioned the sending of the Armed Forces to Rosario. “The function of the Armed Forces is not to combat civilians, I think it was clear with the issue of the ’70s. The drug trafficker, according to the law, is a civilian,” the vice president had argued.

In that context, Petri attacked: “I respect the vice president’s honesty and her intellectual honesty, but we are precisely considering modifying the law. Today our Armed Forces can intervene in internal security operations, it is not that they are prohibited from doing so.”

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The minister assured that the Armed Forces are trained to confront drug trafficking in Rosario. (Capture: TN)

Furthermore, he explained: “The internal security law provides for intervention in two cases, one is minimum intervention, which is support in logistics, communications, engineers, veterinary medicine and transportation, which is what we are doing now in Rosario. The crisis committee provided for by the internal security law summoned us and we were there.”

“The other intervention is the maximum intervention, the most brutal. It is what is provided for in article 31 of the internal security law, which is the state of siege,” he added. “It has many drawbacks because it means lifting constitutional guarantees, it means sending forces without procedure, it means that the law itself prevents them from equipping, preparing and training to intervene,” said the minister.

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Villarruel criticized the intervention of the Armed Forces in Rosario. (Capture: TN)

“Faced with these two assumptions, we say that the Armed Forces have to intervene in a specific case that all the armed forces of the world have intervened since September 11, 2001, which generated a before and after, and that is the hypothesis of terrorism” , said Petri.

Likewise, he clarified: “In the hypotheses of terrorism that are defined in the criminal code, such as any act or crime that is intended to terrorize the population, we believe that it is necessary to provide the appropriate legal framework so that the Armed Forces do not act with blindfolded, do not act outside the law but with a clear procedure, under the same terms and conditions that the security forces do.”

#Luis #Petri #responded #Victoria #Villarruel #propose #modifying #law

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