Unanimously, in particular and in general, this Monday, January 22, the Senate Education Commission approved the bill for the Biregionality of State Universities. Now the project will continue its process in the Senate Chamber.

The objective of the text, which authorizes the University of Bío-Bío to expand its domicile and action to the Ñuble Region, is to strengthen public higher education in the region, created in 2017. It also allows those regions in which it does not exist a State university has one, provided that they are contiguous regions and that there is no other regional university whose preferential territorial scope is located in it.

Another advance of this project is that it allows the funds available to regional authorities to promote the region – such as Regional Governments – to be used to strengthen research and link the university with regional and country development.

Until today, the University of Bío-Bío had not been able to include in the adaptation of its statutes the Chillán Campus, which has history and relevance for the Ñuble Region, because the Law of State Universities did not allow bi-regionality, and the region was created , administratively, after the publication of the law. The current project corrects that situation.