“Sensatory statements from Emiliano, situation has degenerated” –

The controversy over Michele Emiliano’s story regarding the meeting that took place at the home of boss Capriati’s sister has not died down at all. The current governor of the Puglia Region also brought up Antonio Decaro, mayor of Bari, who participated with him in the face-to-face meeting in Bari Vecchia when he was councilor. But the statements of the former magistrate, who, despite the denials of his party, the Democratic Party, and of Decaro himself, confirmed everything in subsequent interviews, triggered the reaction of the vice-president of the Anti-Mafia Commission and Forza Italia deputy Mauro D’Attis : “To the microphones of Tg1, Michele Emiliano makes sensational statements from which an incontrovertible fact emerges. In Bari the situation has degenerated, there are very serious facts that require the maximum attention of all institutional actors. Emiliano confirms that he went to the boss’s house after the threats rather than going to the prosecutor’s office to report. It is clear and urgent, at this point, that the issue is also investigated further by the Anti-Mafia Commission”.

The photo, the priest.  Lies and amnesia, now Decaro is reeling after the avalanche case

#Sensatory #statements #Emiliano #situation #degenerated #Tempo
2024-03-28 01:13:34

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