Sepsis, sepsis and septic shock

2023-08-24 08:00:04

Sepsis is a generalized inflammatory response, linked to a serious infection, in patients who are often already weakened. It would be responsible for 11 million deaths each year in the world according to the Pasteur Institute. The severe forms of Covid-19 are forms of viral sepsis. The term “sepsis” refers to the presence of bacteria (fungi or viruses) in the blood. (Rebroadcast from December 13, 2022)

Sepsis affects 49 million people worldwide each year. If the burden is concentrated in the poorest countries, these infections – gangrene, or puerperal fever (postpartum) – are also a major cause of death in rich countries.

What are the most common causes of sepsis? How to recognize the symptoms? What are the potential complications ?

  • Pr Djillali AnnaneHead of the Intensive Medicine-Resuscitation Department at Raymond Poincaré Hospital in Garches. Professor of Medicine at Paris-Saclay University. Author of a report recommending ten measures to better understand, treat and monitor sepsis
  • Professor Jean-Marc Cavaillon, honorary professor of the Pasteur Institute. Scientific advisor to the Biology and Health department and head of the priority research program on antibiotic resistance to the National Agency for Research (ANR)
  • Jamila Hedjalpresident of the association France Sepsis Association »
  • Dr Moses Nkongolodental surgeon, head of the stomatology department at the Guenin Medical Cliniclocated in Pointe-Noire in the Republic of Congo and formerly, head of the stomatology department at Nsona Nkulu General Reference Hospital, in Mbanza Ngungu, in the province of Kongo Central in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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