“Serious Adverse Effects of Confusing Scopolamine and Butylscopolamine: A Warning from AEMPS”

2023-04-18 11:19:00

Two medications with almost identical names, but a confusion that can prove fatal.

The Spanish Medicines and Health Products Agency (AEMPS) warns of “serious adverse effects due to confusion between two different active substances which have been reported: administration of scopolamine instead of the butylscopolamine.

“Vomiting, memory loss, hallucinations…”

“Butylscopolamine bromide (formerly called scopolamine butylbromide), due to its chemical structure of a quaternary ammonium salt, does not cross the blood-brain barrier. It is indicated for the treatment of acute spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, scopolamine hydrobromide, on the other hand, has a tertiary amine structure, which is why it crosses the blood-brain barrier and is indicated as a premedication in anesthesia to reduce excessive salivation and respiratory tract secretions (see datasheets for detailed information)”.

According to the AEMPSfive cases ofserious side effects related to the administration of scopolamine instead of butylscopolamine have been reported. “The characteristic signs and symptoms of scopolamine overdose are headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, confusion, disorientation, memory loss and hallucinations”. Scopolamine overdose may even “put the patient’s life in danger”.

Particular attention is requested from healthcare professionals in order to avoid this confusion.

#drugs #confusion #put #patients #life #danger #Spain #alert

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