Serious car accident in Hirschbach im Mühlkreis – 2 injured

The 29-year-old Romanian and his 32-year-old passenger, also Romanian, were traveling on the B38 towards Freistadt and were approaching the Lahrndorf intersection. At the same time, a 69-year-old from Hirschbach was driving towards the intersection on a freight road. Despite both cars braking hard, a collision could not be prevented.

Hit a tree and rolled over

The two Romanian men’s vehicle left the road, hit a tree, rolled over and ended up on its roof.

The 29-year-old driver was able to free himself from the car. The 32-year-old passenger was rescued from the car with serious injuries after the emergency services arrived. The two Romanian men were taken to hospital with injuries. An alcohol test for the 69-year-old showed a blood alcohol level of 0.74.

The 29-year-old’s car was totaled and the 69-year-old’s car suffered serious damage. The B38 remained closed for the duration of the clearance work and was rerouted.


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