Serious symptoms that warn of heart problems during exercise

In addition to muscle cramps and back tension, exercising too hard can be a potential cause of sudden heart failure, stroke, and even cardiac arrest, as exercising too much can do more harm than good to your health.

Below we take a quick look at some of the warning symptoms ofHeart problems during exercise Which you should be aware of, according to the site ” thehealthsite

Is exercise harmful to heart health?

No, not really. Exercise is a very good way to maintain overall health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) A lack of exercise can increase your risk of heart disease by 50%, so experts suggest staying active is a great way to keep your heart health on track, however, as we always say, it should be in moderation.

Symptoms of heart problems during exercise

Health complications like a heart attack or stroke don’t come with a set of symptoms all the time, but they do give you some advance signals, when you exercise and things go bad, which means that when something goes wrong inside your body, there are signs you might notice, including site ” healthline“.

Chest discomfort

Suddenly feeling chest pain and unexplained discomfort may be one of the first symptoms of an impending heart attack, especially when exercising. The feeling can range from mild discomfort to unbearable pressure and a feeling of fullness in the middle of the chest. It can be subtle and may come and go. This This is the time when you should stop exercising and seek immediate help from a medical practitioner if these symptoms persist for more than a few minutes.

breathing difficulties

Unable to breathe properly? Unusual difficulty breathing accompanied by chest pain/discomfort during activity (exercise) is often a warning symptom of an impending heart attack. These symptoms can occur before the chest discomfort/pain is felt or may occur without any chest discomfort..

Dizziness or feeling dizzy

Another warning symptom of an impending heart attack is feeling dizzy or lightheaded. Sometimes, rigorous exercise not only causes body aches, but also makes you feel dizzy, tired, etc., take this sign seriously and stop exercising immediately..


A heart attack can also lead to an irregular heartbeat/heart rate, a person should be aware that a skipped heartbeat or palpitations can indicate a heart-related problem, stop exercising immediately when you notice this symptom.

sweating profusely

Excessive sweating can be a symptom of a heart attack or any kind of heart problem, you can say that sweating is normal during exercise, yes, that is normal, but when accompanied by nausea, it can be a warning sign of a potential problem.

Pain in the neck, back and jaw

Noticing sudden, chronic pain in the neck, back, or jaw can be a sign that your body needs immediate attention.

extreme tiredness

Feeling very tired and tired is not normal, and it’s also a sign of a heart problem.

How do you keep your heart healthy?

You can do the things mentioned below to keep your heart healthy.

  • Eat a healthy diet

  • Exercising (light) regularly

  • Quit Smoking

  • Keep your blood sugar levels in check

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