Servando collaborated in the composition of “Mi Reina” by Christina Aguilera

The Venezuelan told how he came into contact with the American singer and what it meant for him to compose with her.

Courtesy Servando Primera | They wrote it in 2017 and five years later it saw the light

Servando Primera celebrated this Saturday that the song he wrote with Christina Aguilera finally saw the light. It’s on the singer’s latest album, which is entirely in Spanish.

It is about the song “Mi Reina”, which is ranchero style and in which the singer sends a message to women not to be in a relationship that does not respect them.

Through his Instagram account, the Venezuelan interpreter told how the collaboration with the American began. “This is how my 2022 begins, with a story that began in 2017 after an invitation to compose for one of the best singers of all languages ​​and times,” he began his story.

Servando was contacted by Aguilera’s team to travel to Los Angeles and write a song with her and that five years later saw the light.

«He invited me to a studio he has in his house, and I was going in an Uber from the hotel thinking “Is this real? Until I arrived and she was there with such a huge smile and humility that it made her mansion look tiny. It was there that I realized that despite the surreal, it was a reality; the son of Sol and Ali, the little boy from the Valley was composing with Christina Aguilera at his house, “he added.

“This song ‘La Reina’ I hope will give you the place that history has denied women in the world for so many centuries,” he closed.

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