Shanqitel launches its annual campaign to break the fast, “Ramadan 1444 AH 2023 AD”

As part of its commitment to its social responsibility and as part of its commitment to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals, Chinguetti organizes throughout the year a variety of charitable programs and activities.
On the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan for the Hijri year 1444, the Mauritanian-Sudanese Telecom Company, “Chingetel”, today launched the Ramadan baskets program. fragility.
Accordingly, Shinqitel decided to direct the Ramadan baskets this year to the following areas:
Dar Al-Naim District.
Toujnin district (Legherika and the area between the taps).
Riyadh Province (Carrefour Istanbul neighborhood).
Port cut off.
Tiaret district (Amkizira neighborhood).
The distributed food basket consists of: 5 kg of sugar, 1 kg of dates, 1 kg of powdered milk, 1 liter of oil, and 500 grams of tea.
Chinguitel takes this opportunity to congratulate the Mauritanian people on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, and Happy New Year.

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