Short return? |

2023-09-11 11:42:46

Unfortunately, speculation is an essential part of the media think tank. The speculation about Kurz’s return (only because many of his sympathizers were at the premiere of this film) does nothing other than destabilize the ÖVP, as was the case until recently (and is that really over already?). was about the SPÖ.
Incidentally, the presumption of innocence still applies to Kurz, but its importance is rapidly dwindling in Austria because people hypocritically praise the judiciary, but at the same time undermine one of its essential pillars. And as long as “advertisement” takes the place of factual politics in opposition politics, you can always successfully “get rid of” a political party or direction.
But the fact is here and now: The current government is essentially doing a good job in a time that has never been so difficult in the Second Republic, especially with debts “from outside” (pandemic, war in Ukraine), although – or especially because? – the coalition parties are so different.

Günter Braun, 1020 Vienna

Accessed on September 11th, 2023 at 01:53

#Short #return

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