Should the legendary emblems be placed one by one or all together? – Diablo Immortal

When you cast an Ancestral Rift, you usually add Emblems. Whether you buy emblems or are in full Free to Play, a question may nevertheless come to mind for players: should you place all the legendary emblems at once or use them one by one?

The question is legitimate and we can wonder if the results will not be better by doing three rifts with a legendary emblem rather than one rift with three emblems.

In practice, the answer is very simple: it’s the same thing. You are free to do as you wish, there is no advantage to making three faults instead of one, at least in terms of legendary gems. In both cases, the RNG will decide if you will receive gems with one star or better.

If you are new to Diablo Immortal, you can therefore use your gems one by one. No need to wait until you have three, or even ten, before casting a Rift. It will be more spectacular in the latter case, but the disappointment could also be very high 😉

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