side effects and duration of action of this antiepileptic

Lamictal is a antiepileptic. It inhibits the release of glutamate in the brain, a substance implicated in triggering epileptic seizures. It also has a beneficial effect in people suffering from a bipolar disorderbut its mechanism of action is poorly understood.

It is therefore used in the treatment of epilepsy, alone or in addition to conventional treatments when these fail to prevent the onset of seizures and in the prevention of depressive episodes associated with bipolar disorder.

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease. Epileptic seizures, the most impressive symptom, are characterized by transient physical manifestations. These result from sudden electrical discharges in the brain that run through many neurons. These discharges appear in the peripheral part of the brain. The epileptic seizure can be focalized. In this case, the abnormal nerve impulse remains localized in a cerebral area called the “epileptogenic focus”. This can cause various symptoms affecting only certain parts of the body. During a crisisepilepsy generalized, the excessive discharges spread to all the neurons. The symptoms then affect the whole body.

Sometimes epilepsy is idiopathic, that is to say that there is no cause explaining the disease. This is more often the case in children than in adults. However, it is still important to look for various factors (…)

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