“Silent Symptoms: Recognizing Abdominal Pain as a Sign of Liver Cancer Rupture”

2023-05-13 15:30:02

Abdominal pain may be caused by rupture of liver tumor? A family medicine doctor shared a case that a patient had abdominal pain after a massage. He thought it was caused by the masseur’s excessive force. After seeking medical advice, he was found to have liver cancer. Liver cancer is the third most deadly cancer in Hong Kong, second only to lung cancer and colorectal cancer. The doctor said that the liver is a silent organ, and most of the symptoms of liver disease are not obvious. If you find 10 symptoms, it may be in the middle and late stage.

Massaging Abdominal Pain and Knowing Liver Cancer Tumor Rupture Nearly Died
Family medicine doctor Liu Pengchi shared a case in the Taiwanese program “Health 2.0”. The patient went for a massage to relax because of fatigue. light and perform an ultrasound examination. After examination, it was discovered that a tumor about 5 to 6 cm in size spontaneously ruptured in the liver, but the patient never found out that he had cancer and had no related symptoms.

[Same Field Gayon]8 Risk Factors for Liver Cancer

10 Symptoms of liver cancer may be in the middle and late stage
Dr. Liu Pengchi pointed out that the following 10 symptoms may be in the advanced stage of liver cancer, and the mortality rate is relatively high:

Liver Cancer 10 Symptoms
tired fever head volume
loss of appetite
nausea and vomiting
vomiting blood
diarrhea weight loss
ascites abdominal mass
brown urine stool light gray
Lower extremity edema
Bleeding tendency

Hepatitis Evolution Liver Cancer Trilogy Symptoms Difficult to Find
Dr. Liu Pengchi pointed out that the liver is a silent organ, and it is not easy to detect problems immediately. Therefore, most liver cancer patients are only found to have cancer when their condition is severe and symptoms appear. Dr. Liu explained that there is a trilogy of liver cancer, from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis, and finally to liver cancer.

In the process of liver fibrosis or cirrhosis, symptoms such as abnormal blood coagulation, edema, hemorrhage, and brainstem lesions will appear, so that liver disease can be discovered. However, some patients may skip the stage of cirrhosis and progress directly to liver cancer. Early detection is more difficult if this stage is skipped.

[Same field Jiaying]8 major symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Muscle aches, stomach pain, fear of liver cancer tumor rupture
Dr. Liu Pengchi explained that liver tumors will rupture because the tumor becomes too large in the liver and blood vessels proliferate abnormally; the regenerated blood vessels have weak protective effect, which leads to increased abdominal pressure and ruptures the tumor. At the same time, the tumor will spontaneously rupture for no reason, causing right upper quadrant pain. He reminded that tumors that are closer to the surface of the liver will expand the liver capsule and cause pain. Some people mistake it for muscle soreness, but once the force hits, the tumor can rupture.

Surgeon Jiang Kunjun added in the program that the blood vessels of liver cancer tumors are less mature, so they are more likely to rupture and bleed. When the liver tumor bleeds, the inside of the tissue will swell and stimulate the liver capsule, so there may be dull pain symptoms; if the bleeding is more superficial, it may rupture directly, causing blood to flow throughout the abdominal cavity, causing severe pain. Dr. Jiang reminded that the blood irritates the peritoneum greatly, so the abdominal pain may not be a gastrointestinal disease, but a ruptured liver cancer tumor.

Further reading: 5 major causes and symptoms of liver cirrhosis
According to the Department of Health, liver cirrhosis is caused by long-term damage to the liver, resulting in the increase of liver fibrous tissue and changes in the structure of liver lobules, resulting in hardening.

Causes of Cirrhosis
According to the Department of Health, the main causes of liver cirrhosis are as follows:

Infection with a virus (such as chronic viral hepatitis)
high doses of certain medications
Long-term exposure to certain environmental toxins
Genetic or other disease (eg, metabolic disease, bile duct obstruction)
Liver cirrhosis can cause bleeding in the esophagus and intestines, causing vomiting of blood, bloody or black stools, and confusion.

Symptoms of cirrhosis
Patients with cirrhosis usually have only a few inconspicuous symptoms in the early stages, including:

Further reading: 6 ways to prevent liver cirrhosis
According to the Department of Health, liver cirrhosis cannot be cured, but the chance of liver damage can be reduced through drug treatment and lifestyle changes. In severe cases, patients may undergo liver transplantation. As for which therapy is most suitable, it depends on the severity of the disease, the degree of impact of liver cirrhosis on the patient’s life, and whether the patient has other diseases. Here are 6 ways to prevent cirrhosis:

The methods listed by the Department of Health to protect the liver include:

Cut down on alcohol.
The hepatitis B vaccine protects the liver from hepatitis B infection.
Avoid taking unnecessary medicines and over-the-counter medicines.
Maintain a balanced diet, avoid high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, and reduce the chance of suffering from liver diseases (such as gallstones).
Further reading: 7 common symptoms of liver cancer
According to the information of the Hospital Authority, the liver has a miraculous self-repair function. Even if only a small part is left to work, the liver can still function normally, so the early symptoms of liver cancer are not obvious. As the tumor grows, the patient may have the following symptoms:

Liver Cancer Symptoms

Further reading: 6 ways to prevent liver cancer
Liver cancer is the third most deadly cancer in Hong Kong, second only to lung cancer and colorectal cancer. According to the Hospital Authority, liver cancer can be prevented through the following 6 methods:


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