“Singer Daniel Lazo faces criticism for attempting to leave apartment without paying rent and debt”

2023-04-18 21:28:27

The singer Daniel Lazo unleashes a wave of criticism again after learning that he tried to leave the apartment where he lives, despite the fact that he maintains a debt of more than 30 thousand soles.

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Accompanied by the cameras of “Amor y Fuego”, Rocío Chávez, owner of the property, came to the building where the singer lives to rebuke him for wanting to elope without paying the rent for more than nine months, in addition to the maintenance payment, among others.

When confronted by the owner, Daniel Lazo only managed to make outrageous statements and made it more than clear that they have no intention of settling their debt.

I don’t understand why so much scandal. It is that right now I am not able to pay (…) They cannot detain me”, said the Ayacuchano singer, who excused himself for being a delinquent tenant because the owner did not solve the water leaks.

Although it may seem incredible, Daniel Lazo also prevented Rocío Chávez from entering the apartment to verify her condition and it is that she assures that she rented the furnished apartment.

I’m not going to move from the apartment, I’m moving clothes (why don’t you let the owner in?) because legally it’s still my apartment, and I decide who gets in and who doesn’t. You know that legally you still can’t upload (Rocío)”, pointed out the singer.

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With tears in their eyes, Rocío Chávez and her daughter Camila asked the singer to face his responsibilities and pay the debt of more than 30,000 soles. She also reminded him that she has cancer and she also lives in a rented apartment.

“I mean, you are leaving like a rat that runs away. No, Daniel, you owe me a lot of money (…) How cool, what a liar, shameless and ungrateful you are, Daniel. Give me back everything, pay me everything you owe me.” she expressed angrily.

TROME – Daniel Lazo was about to run away without paying rent and is discovered by the owner of the apartment: “You leave like a rat”


Coco Marusix, former vedette and trans actress

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