Singer Rabi Pirzada’s useful advice to the Prime Minister.

Singer Rabi Pirzada’s useful advice to the Prime Minister.

Showbiz stars lose their luster if they are not in the media, so they need a spice or content to keep them in the headlines. Recently, model and actress Robi Pirzada also became a part of the media headlines when she was found in a snake, dragon and crocodile house.

That matter had just disappeared from the media, but now her tweet made her famous on social media. It happened that the actress gave some useful advice to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, which was well received. Rabi Pirzah advised Prime Minister Imran Khan to eradicate poverty from the country, reminding him that he should know that Pakistani people are not beggars.

He advised Prime Minister Imran Khan through a tweet after opening the ‘Langar Khanta’ in Islamabad, saying that this problem could have been solved in another way. Rabi Pirzada wrote in his tweet advising the Prime Minister. That “Khan sir, it is a very good job to feed the hungry, but if instead of breaking bread for free at the anchor, you would get a job at the same anchor, people would learn to eat by working hard”.

Addressing the Prime Minister, the singer further wrote that ‘Try to understand, the people are not beggars, they want to work, there is a lot of unemployment here.’ Many people praised his tweet and seemed to agree with him. However, some people also pointed out that there are millions of people who cannot work due to old age and diseases. Therefore, such anchorages are also mandatory.

After receiving many compliments on her tweet and being questioned by several people, the actress tweeted another saying that she has only advised the Prime Minister and she knows that many educated men. Unemployed. The actress told her fans that she doesn’t have time to answer everyone’s questions. However, the actress also felt it necessary to clarify that a major portion of her concert earnings go towards feeding and educating poor and deserving children. is spent on

#Singer #Rabi #Pirzadas #advice #Prime #Minister
2024-08-15 01:47:45



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