SIRA: 83% of companies already have problems importing

The data comes from the latest survey of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC), which conducted a survey among more than 200 micro, small, and medium-sized importing companies of raw materials (33.88%), intermediate goods (14.05%), capital goods (20.25%), consumption (24.38%) and parts for capital goods (7.44%).

Specifically, the study did a probe regarding the impact that the entry into force, in mid-October, of the new trade control system had on the importing sector with the implementation of the Import System of the Argentine Republic (SIRA).

The reality is that the problems caused by obstacles y restrictions to imports applied by the SIRA, as a mechanism to approve the permissions (declarations of importhas multiple effects with full impact on the functioning of Argentine companies.

Percentage of approvals, delays and impact on normal operation

The entity inquired about the percentage of SIRAs requested that obtained their approval in the last two months and the results of the survey revealed that only 24% of the companies obtained more than 25% of the requested amounts for imports. While the vast majority, more precisely, 76% of the companies received approval for less than 25% of the imports they requested.

In addition, the study showed that companies “may have delays of up to 90 days in their approval”.

For this reason, companies suffer the direct impact and 93% of the companies surveyed stated that they noticed the reduced input levels, stock y sales. When asked about the estimated time in which import restrictions could affect the normal operation of the company, 83% said that “it is already being affected.” For their part, those with a better outlook could only endure the situation without seeing their operation affected for a maximum of 1 to 2 months.

uncertain outlook

The Camera He also warned that “this uncertain panorama is also aggravated by the lack of funding from abroad, since the import system itself requires, under certain conditions, companies to make payments within 90 days, so it is necessary to have financing from abroad”.

According to the report, 61% of companies indicated that they have difficulty obtaining financing, which ends up further affecting the operations of foreign trade. While only 39% answered in the affirmative.

No contact with the Secretary of Commerce

Lastly, the survey It reflected that, at the time of the survey in January 2023, 85% of the firms assured that they had no contact with the Secretary of Commerce.

In turn, the entity in charge of the survey, highlighted that although the study focused mainly on the impact of the SIRA system, it is necessary to clarify that there are other aspects that also hinder imports: among them, the Financial Economic Capacity (CEF) and the inconveniences that arise from the Single Foreign Trade Current Account (CCUCE).


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