Ski binding broke on descent: tourer fell 300 meters to his death

The 48-year-old had climbed up the Kordeschkopf with touring skis together with a compatriot of the same age from the Slovenian side of the Rischberg via the Dom na Peci (hut). According to the police, one of his ski bindings came loose on the downhill run, which caused him to fall and fall over regarding 300 m over steep terrain, some of which was rocky.

The second skier immediately skied to the victim and set the rescue chain in motion using his cell phone, police said. However, the emergency doctor might only determine the death of the 48-year-old. The second tourer was unharmed. He was recovered by the rescue helicopter and flown to a parking lot.

Because of the onset of darkness, it was no longer possible to rescue the ski tourer who had died in an accident. The rescue and further investigations into the course of the accident are to be carried out on Monday.


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