Skyrim: the co-op mod is a real success, an impressive number of downloads revealed

Game News Skyrim: the co-op mod is a real success, an impressive number of downloads revealed

Published on 07/11/2022 at 22:02

More than ten years after its release, and soon eleven, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is still relevant. A feat made possible, initially, by the release of an anniversary edition on next-generation consoles. But also, and more recently, thanks to the prodigious work of a team of modders who brought a feature that everyone wanted to experience in the Bethesda title, namely cooperation. And the least we can say is that a lot of players wanted to relaunch the title to (re)go on an adventure!


  • There will be plenty to wait with The Elder Scrolls VI
  • A mod in the hands of the community

The prowess of The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim is not only to have marked the world of video games with a white stone when it was released at the beginning of the previous decade, but indeed to have managed to maintain this aura and this attractiveness for so many years. Still now, aspiring developers have been hard at work on a project to give players the ability to navigate the plot co-op ! And for once, the players were very interested in this project: even “the grandmother of Skyrim” would not deny such a proposal, she who eagerly awaits the next part.

Skyrim: the co-op mod is a real success, an impressive number of downloads revealed

When it’s not Bethesda who always has a whole bunch of ideas to continue the success of The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim, whose Anniversary version could land on Switch after putting down his suitcases on PS5 et Xbox Series X|Swe can always count on the fans of this opus to offer us incredible experiences. Launched at the end of last week, the “Skyrim Together Reborn” mod has enjoyed popularity at the height of Bethesda’s title with a very big start!

A mod in the hands of the community

Between July 8, the date of its availability, and today, July 11, more than 80,000 players have fallen for the mod ” Skyrim Together Reborn ». Despite the complicated launch of this project (some technical problems and some servers unavailable), the team behind this work which required thousands of hours of work was very enthusiastic while talking about the rest of their adventures . As they announced, the “Skyrim Together Reborn” mod is now in the hands of The Elder Scrolls community.

Skyrim: the co-op mod is a real success, an impressive number of downloads revealedSkyrim: the co-op mod is a real success, an impressive number of downloads revealed

Even if the popularity of the mod is likely to grow in the coming days, while exploding the download counters, the team announced on Reddit that the mod was now “open source”, that is to say that all players can now have it, and even take over to improve it if they feel like it. Still, the original team declares that it is moving towards other objectives in order to diversify: while waiting to discover them on other works – a Fallout Together mod for Fallout 4 would be in preparation -, the members will be able to savor, in front of the excellent figures of the mod, a well deserved rest!

About The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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