So you can make an appointment at the IMSS online

MÉRIDA, Yuc.- Did you know that you can make an appointment at IMSS online? Among the various procedures that the Mexican Institute of Social Security has, through the application (App) Digital IMSSthere is the option of schedule family medicine appointments.

These appointments are offered either for the insured or for one of their beneficiaries in a matter of minutes, quickly and safely to avoid unnecessary transfers.

The IMSS invited users to make use of these services that are available at the time they require it.

How to enter IMSS Digital?

Dr. Gabriela Canché Briceño, assistant coordinator of Medical Care, pointed out that to use the application, available for both Android and IOS, it is recommended to register in the system, for which CURP and email will be requested.

When entering IMSS Digital, on the main screen you will find the option “Family Medicine Appointment”, when entering the option appears to choose the person for whom you want to make the appointment: for the insured person or for one of their beneficiaries, in this In this case, you must have the CURP of the beneficiary that requires the appointment.

After selecting the interested party, the calendar will appear to select the desired date of the appointment, subject to availability. By choosing the day and clicking continue, you will be given the options of time and dates for the appointment.

When you select immediately, you will be provided with the information of name, Family Medicine Unit, office, date and time in order to confirm the appointment and schedule it.

At the end, the legend will appear on the screen: Appointment scheduled successfully!, along with the consultation information and the option to add a reminder to the mobile phone’s calendar, as well as to send the information to the registered email.

In what cases is the appointment cancelled?

Something that the beneficiaries who have scheduled their medical consultation must consider is that an appointment is considered as canceled when the first second of the scheduled time runs out, this measure is carried out with the purpose that the attention times that all users require are more efficient and in this way spontaneous patients can also receive medical consultation.

To conclude, Dr. Canché Briceño reminded the right-holders to present themselves 15 minutes before the appointment and deliver the appointment card to the medical assistant of your secondment office upon arrival at the unit.

He urged users to go with all the safety and hygiene measures to prevent contagion by Covid, such as the correct use of face masks at all times, constant hand hygiene, respecting the indications of the sanitary filters and favoring the distance between people.


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