so you can use baking soda to relieve this discomfort

When knee pain is caused by inflammation, arthritis, or a minor injury, often resolving without medical help, then home remedies can improve symptoms and comfort levels in this part of the body. But it is always recommended to visit the doctor when the symptoms are strong and persistent.

Experts say that this part of the body swells when excess fluid builds up in or around your joint. “Healthcare providers may refer to this condition as a knee joint effusion.”in words collected by the portal specialized in health, Mayo Clinic.

These pains can be caused by trauma, an overuse injury, or an underlying disease or medical condition. As for the cause of the swelling, the doctor can determine it with a sample of fluid or blood from an injury, in order to detect infections or diseases.

Age is also a factor that determines the likelihood of developing inflammation. The practice of sports is another situation that generates discomfort in it. Sports disciplines such as basketball “are more likely to experience the types of injuries that cause swelling,” as highlighted by the Mayo Clinic.

Obesity and being overweight put additional pressure on the knee joint, resulting in tissue overload and of the joint, which triggers swelling.

Faced with knee inflammation, there are some home remedies that help treat it. One of them is baking soda.

A study in the ‘Journal of Immunology’ found that “drinking a tonic of baking soda and water can help reduce inflammation”as highlighted by the Healthline portal.

Specialists warn of the harmful side effects of regularly ingesting baking soda: “liver damage and bone loss,” highlights the Healthline website, and this new one recommends limiting its consumption to two weeks.

In addition to baking soda, the green juice of parsley and ginger can also provide properties to treat inflammation.

Studies have found that carnosol, which is an active ingredient in parsley, targets the swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger is a well-known anti-inflammatory. It prevents the production of inflammatory molecules such as prostaglandin and leukotriene, as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines. It is a type of protein that is found in cells, ”says Michelle Simon, a certified naturopathic doctor and president of the Institute of Natural Medicine, in the words quoted by Healthline.

According to an analysis of a study published in 2019 in Neurological Sciences, Curcumin, which is in turmeric, was found to be a substance that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Another benefit of curcumin is that it could help control proteins, enzymes and cytokines in disorders related to the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis.

On the oneHOWTO portal They suggest using ice packs to treat these knee discomforts. When there is an overload on the tendons in this area, particularly after exercising, it is possible to put a little ice to strengthen them and reduce inflammation in the area.

Precisely exercise is essential to strengthen the body, and the knee is an area that appreciates physical activity. Experts indicate that Low-impact exercises are a healthy option for people who have problems with this joint.

In its health section, the portal Sports world, You are advised to consult a doctor for proper advice and supervision before beginning physical activity.

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