Sobotka promises Ukraine “unconditional solidarity” from Austria

2023-09-26 08:07:00

Austria is not politically neutral, said Sobotka, who also promised that Austria would continue to support Kiev on its way to the European Union. “19 months after the outbreak of war, Austria stands behind Ukraine in unconditional and unbroken solidarity.”

Austria’s position has always been very clear when it comes to “condemning the illegal, unjustified and unprovoked Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at all political levels, condemning the clear violation of international law and fully supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainian to the people,” said the President of the National Council.

To date, Austria has supported Ukraine bilaterally with over 152 million euros. In addition, as an EU net contributor, Austria has provided substantial indirect aid within the framework of the European Union, which has so far provided around 59 billion euros, and has taken in around 100,000 displaced people from Ukraine, said Sobotka. “Austria will continue to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people for as long as it is necessary,” the National Council President concluded, before concluding with the greeting “Slawa Ukrajini” (Glory of Ukraine).

After the conversation with Sobotka, the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefantschuk emphasized that a number of issues relating to support for Ukraine had been dealt with very carefully and that they wanted to expand cooperation between parliaments. Sanctions against Russia should be continued and President Volodymyr Zelensky’s peace formula should be implemented. In the joint press statement with his Ukrainian counterpart, Sobotka emphasized that the visit by the Austrian parliamentary delegation was an expression of solidarity, but should also serve to obtain first-hand information.

Psychological support for Ukraine is important, stated Helmut Brandstätter, who is also chairman of the bilateral parliamentary group Ukraine/Moldova/Belarus. It is always impressive what an “incredible spirit” there is here in Ukraine, said the NEOS MP, who is in Ukraine for the fourth time since the start of the war. The ÖVP MP Wolfgang Gerstl emphasized how important it is to form your own opinion, because the first thing that falls in war is the truth.

Afterwards, the parliamentary delegation, which also included National Council members Christian Oxonitsch (SPÖ) and Georg Bürstmayer (Greens), but no one from the FPÖ, will visit a Caritas aid project in Kiev. We then continue to Butscha, around 25 kilometers north of Kiev, where the parliamentarians will hold a minute’s silence at a mass grave after visiting a photo exhibition in St. Andrew’s Church.

After the return trip to Kiev, the Austrian parliamentarians are scheduled to lay a wreath at the Memorial Wall for Ukraine’s fallen defenders before taking part in a ceremony honoring the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine and visiting the Holodomor Museum. The delegation will then hold talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal.


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