Soccer|England’s former international Dick Decole announced that he would hang up his boots to prove Dean’s transformation in the next season and was teased by Henoke (22:20) – 20220323 – Sports – Instant News

Dickel left the Glasgow Rovers in January, and soon returned to New Tran with a free body. So far, he has played 7 times without scoring or assisting. The British “Sun” reported that “he is ready to end a wonderful career”. A product of Westham’s youth training, he started his professional career with the “Hammer Gang” in 1999, and only became a “landmark” in September of the following year, scoring a total of 305 goals in 763 matches, including three Played for Tottenham for a total of 10 years, scoring 143 goals and contributing 32 assists in 362 times.

He has always played for Portsmouth, FC Toronto, New Tran, and Bunnymouth. In terms of international competition, between 2004 and 2017, he played 57 times for England and scored 20 goals. He played in the 2010 World Cup and 2012 European Cup of Nations.

In addition, Dean, the ball witness who enforced controversial judgments in the Premier League, will call the whistle at the end of the season and is expected to switch to full-time VAR development next season. The 73-year-old former Premier League manager Henock sneered that Dean should have resigned 10 years ago, adding: “I don’t have time to look back on the years of entanglement with him, but don’t forget that I always coach some small clubs. His and other certs’ decisions are always in favor of the big clubs. My dad used to say that great certs are unremarkable, but Dean just wants to be in the spotlight.”

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