Social Fixes for Sustainable Mobility and Vehicle Registration Tax: Ensuring Accessibility and Environmental Responsiveness

2023-09-06 06:23:00

For Rajae Maouane, the increase in the registration tax, scheduled for January 2025, will not affect the most vulnerable people. “9,000 euros will not concern Mr. and Mrs. Everyone. This will concern the heaviest and most polluting vehicles. We need social fixes so that everyone can use their car but also move around in the healthiest and most free way possible.”

Vincent Van Quickenborne’s “pipigate”? A debate at the height of the fly

The co-president of Ecolo assures her, social correctives will be brought “for people who cannot pay this tax according to their income but also according to the situation of the families.”

Maxime Binet then returned to the “Pipigate” affair which affects the Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne. According to Rajae Maouane, “there are legitimate questions” about this case. “I saw that there was a sort of battle of surveillance video images. He is expected in parliament on Thursday to explain himself. Did he lie? I don’t know, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The standards at Ecolo, when in doubt and in terms of ethics and good governance, are extremely high. So as soon as there is a doubt among us, our ministers resign. We are expecting Vincent Van Quickenborne in parliament this Thursday, he will explain himself very clearly I hope and we will see if the images clear him up or not.

”No support for the decision of Nicole de Moor”

”There is (still) no support for Nicole de Moor’s decision. It is a dismal decision and one that we find totally unacceptable.” It is in these terms that Rajae Maouane commented on the decision taken last Friday in the Council of Ministers to maintain the instruction of the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration to temporarily no longer welcome single male asylum seekers. .

Ecolo, in the federal majority, however, will not make it a matter of government. “The Vivaldi must survive, but above all the Vivaldi must find solutions,” she said. “What example do you set when you get convicted 8,000 times? We don’t want to pull the plug. We say we want to find solutions. We encourage Nicole de Moor to find some and there are some.

An election campaign under the sign of moderation on social networks

Rajae Maouane then explained his initiative, called “Not Here”, which aims to moderate the social networks of political parties. ‘Jean-Marc Nollet and I have sent letters to party presidents to engage in an initiative called ‘Pas Ici’, which is a private initiative to encourage political parties and organizations to show more moderation on social networks, to sanction more violent behavior, insults, threats,…”

The ecologist fears a violent electoral campaign on the networks, which has already begun as she explains. “There is not a day when I open social networks without being assailed by insults. I accept political criticism with great pleasure, but when it comes to my physique, my origins, religion or It looks like it has to stop and that’s what this initiative is all about.”

#Rajae #Maouane #returns #Pipigate #affair #Ecolo #doubt #ministers #resign

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