speak for the voices of others

2023-04-21 14:50:00

Valuable testimonies feed the documentary Every day is March 8recent start of the Palomas Project, Production House of audiovisuals for social activism

Shocking stories told by 23 women record various problems, realities, conflicts and, at the same time, demand urgent reparation to build a better life. Spirituality is assumed as a form of awareness for the benefit of the destinations of the country project.

The documentary Every day is March 8, carried out by the Palomas Project (Audiovisual Production House for Social Activism) demonstrates the need for the right to progress, to the fullness of being and doing. From language as an expression of thought, the protagonists display an incisive investigative capacity of textual polyphony.

Feeling and thinking prevail in the voices of the protagonists.

At the beginning, the identification of the women by name denotes an individual recognition that multiplies and strengthens as the story progresses. Little by little, we know and recognize the respective social and professional origins, the calls to reflect on the stress of caring mothers, the silence during pain processing and the need to decide which families we want to form.

Multiple moods flow through words, gestures, anguish, tears that nourish the narrative of remarkable sociological and anthropological densities. They even activate immanent uneasiness produced by anguish and courage, since these feelings drive the fight without traces of fatigue or sorrow.

The creative use of cinematographic syntax and the various enunciative configurations create propitious signals to continue meditating on ourselves, the environment, loneliness, illnesses, friendships, the present and the future.

The values ​​of the Women’s Advancement Program are sensitively disclosed.

According to Lizette Vila, director of the show together with Ingrid León and Sergio Cabrera: “Thinkers and intellectuals from our region have marked the 21st century as that of subjectivities, where life stories become protagonists of the narrative of a nation, and There, women are the best to relate from the intimate, the daily and the collective and in this way provide real participation in public policies and the necessary civility that we must always remember, since it is the art of coexistence and the culture of encounter.

“We are, due to similar vocations, servants and public servants and we must be channels of sensitivity, empathy, tenderness, which spring from being part of the lives of women. This is summed up in what the great María Zambrano called ‘the metaphor of light’ (reason, thought) to ‘see with the heart’, which constitutes another of the two great forms of knowledge from the soul”.

Certainly, the sustained levels of tension in voices that share the pain from different experiences and points of view are uncomfortable. Complicity against gender violence maintains an active role, since it places in the spotlight what is not usually seen. In fact, a close synergy between images and words dramaturgically interrelates the richness of the propositional language of multiple messages. It is evident in the direction of photography Humberto Mayol, Claudio Garcés and Vladimir Zúñiga. For their part, the texts by Sara Más and Teresa Díaz and the voice of the actress Lili Lam show that it is necessary to delve into the old myths to found a culture of equity. The forms of sexist violence impact at the individual level, in the collective imaginaries, they hurt dignity by masking facts and afflictions.

The audiovisual setting highlights the value of a project in development.

Every day is March 8 exalts the comprehensive strategy for prevention and care of gender violence in the family setting, it is a space for reflection and analysis of problems. It does not offer solutions –neither does it correspond to art–, but it insists on the change of lifestyles and the promotion of a culture of peace while socializing issues related to respect for different abilities and social inclusion.

Let’s never forget: the media is text and context. The media discourse responds to the circumstances where it is produced and circulates. With committed sensitivity, the Palomas Project team energizes the work of communicative promotion that favors social activism, the knowledge generated through scientific research, learning and the essential improvement to live better. Speaking for the voices of others reinforces wills, the indispensable overcoming, energizes a project in development and confirms that the empowerment of women is a right.


Photos. / Humberto Mayol

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