Stasis: definition, venous, gastric, treatment

Stasis is a stoppage or slowing down of fluid in the body. It can be venous, gastric or even stercoral. The point with Dr Laure Geisler, general practitioner.

Definition: what is stasis?

Stasis, also called state of stasisis a condition that is characterized by stopping or slowing down. The term is generally used in medicine to designate lack of circulation of body fluidsin particular from sang. It also applies to the accumulation of toxins. Stasis is therefore a pathogenic state since it blocks the normal functioning of the organism. “It is not a disease but a symptomspecifies Laure Geisler, general practitioner.

What is venous stasis?

In case of venous stasis, the veins do not fulfill their role venous return, to redirect blood back to the heart. Venous stasis most often occurs in the lower limbs. “In medicine we no longer speak of venous stasis but ofvenous insufficiency“, notes the GP. “The causes are multiple: genetic causes, physical inactivity, overweight, smoking, pregnancy can cause circulatory disorders such as venous stasis“, she continues.

What is gastric stasis?

The food bolus passes through the stomach, which contracts to lower it into theDigestive. This then passes into the intestine. In gastric stasis, the stomach does not perform this function, this is called gastroparesis. “It is a functional digestive disorder that induces a slowing of gastric emptying. It’s not related to an obstruction or an obstacle in the stomach, it’s fine stomach muscle activity that is too weak, develops Laure Geisler. “Gastric stasis can be idiopathic – that is, without a known cause – it can be psychological, linked to stress for example. Other causes of gastroparesis include diabetes and having had stomach surgery“, says our expert.

What is stercoral stasis?

This is a excess fecal matter in the end of the large intestine. “Stercoral stasis is the consequence of the constipation. This is a term that is used a lot in imagery.“, notes the specialist. A sedentary lifestyle, not drinking enough, not consuming enough fiber are the three main causes of stercoral stasis.

Who to consult in case of stasis?

Stasis is a symptom of a possible pathology. You should consult first his general practitioner who will refer the patient to a specialist (angiologue, gastroenterologist) if necessary.

What is the treatment for stasis?

Stasis being a symptom, it is necessary to find the cause to heal the patient. Treatment will depend on the cause. “For venous stasis, medications are often prescribed compression stockingsespecially in people who are often on their feet or lymphatic drainage. The venotonic drugs are also prescribed in case of venous insufficiency“, explains Laure Geisler. Against stercoral stasis, it is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables, cereals, drink two liters a day and to engage in physical activity and sports. “These are the same recommendations against gastric stasis. I will add that it is necessary take the time to eat and chew. It promotes good digestion“, specifies the general practitioner.

Thanks to dr. Laure Geislergeneral practitioner, founder of Le Coeur Net – on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube – health education and prevention accounts.

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