STAT: Viewers are confused following Monday’s finale

The viewers of STAT confessed on social networks to be very confused after the final on Monday.

It must be said that we, too, had to repeat certain segments of the show to fully understand who we were talking about and what was at stake.

The police confronted Julie Faubert (Isabelle Brouillette) on the messages that had been deleted from the phone of François (Daniel Parent), which she had in her possession before giving it to Jérémy (Robin L’Houmeau), the son of François .

Investigator Alexis Fortin (Emmanuel Bédard) then implied that she was present during the death of Vincent Dalpé (Luc Bourgeois), who was both her patient and her lover.

A return to the past allowed us to discover that the policeman’s suspicions were correct. When Julie wanted to put an end to her relationship with Vincent, the latter took his own life before her eyes. François arrived in the meantime, just before the man took action.

Viewers were mixed between François and Vincent. We hope to have enlightened some people.

Julie and François therefore shared a serious secret, but did they share more than that? Viewers have this hypothesis from which they do not want to budge. Will the last episodes of the season prove them right? To be continued!

Recall that actor Anglesh Major, interpreter of Marco, recently told us this about the season finale. Read it all here. Attention you will be impatient to see the last three episodes after this reading.

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