Statue Inauguration Party of Sailor Anne Smith: Celebrating Maritime Heritage in Saint-Cado

2023-07-02 17:17:03

Large audience, Saturday, July 1, in Saint-Cado, in Belz, for the inauguration party of the statue of a sailor created by Anne Smith, official painter of the Navy, and offered (and 100% financed) to the site by the Tud Sant-Kado. Thierry Philippe, their president, recalled the vocation of the association which is to create links and to embellish and highlight the local and maritime heritage of Saint-Cado.

For their 30th anniversary, the Tud Sant-Kado wanted to mark the occasion with a pyrotechnic show shifted to 2022, cause covid, and with a statue of a sailor, in bronze, on the quay. Thanks to Yannick Agron, from the Tuna Museum, contact was made with Anne Smith, who was so passionate about the project that it was able to complete in just one year “with a lot of energy”, as she noted. And to the point that she offered her work for Saint-Cado, in the spirit which is that of the volunteers who animate the association. And to also salute the art foundry “which played the game and helped the project by getting the lowest possible price”. In the same spirit, the musicians who hosted the party did so on a voluntary basis.

An inspiring statue

For this sailor scanning the horizon, Tud Sant-Kado has appointed a godmother and a godfather among its pillars: Mickaelle Jaffré, invested in the association like all his family, and Jacques Poedras, founder 33 years ago and first president. He placed the project under the sign of poetry, invoking Lamartine: “Always pushed towards new shores, in the eternal night, carried away forever, will we never be able, on the ocean of the ages, to throw the anchor for a single day…”. And to add: “May this statue on the Ster an Intel, this sea lake, be able to inspire painters and poets, intrigue walkers and any artist who lies dormant in each of us”.

#Belz #statue #sailor #unveiled #poetry #SaintCado

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