Stay Hydrated for Optimal Health: Drinking Water to Maintain Balance and Avoid Dehydration

2023-07-01 13:33:00

To maintain the body’s balance, it is recommended to compensate for daily water loss (urine, perspiration and breathing) by drinking 1 to 1.5 liters of water each day, depending on health insurance. Thus, it is preferable to stay hydrated throughout the day, without waiting to feel thirsty.

Drink to avoid dehydration in summer

The human body is made up of more than 60% water. This liquid is therefore essential to the health of both men and women. Thus, following the daily recommendations has the primary objective of avoiding dehydration.

And even more during the summer! With high temperatures and heat waves, you have to be particularly vigilant, especially for people most at risk, such as those over 55 – because the feeling of thirst can decrease with age – as well as newborns and infants for which water represents respectively 75 to 80% and 65% of their weight.

Drinking enough has other virtues as well. This makes it possible to hydrate all the tissues and organs of the body which need it to function properly… And even those which are not suspected, such as the brain.

A study has, for example, shown a link between hydration and cognitive function, particularly in the elderly. On the other hand, water is also essential to preserve the joints and ensure that they function more fluidly. For those who suffer from it, hydration can reduce pain.

Water, an essential element for health

Another vital function of water is that it eliminates waste from the body through urine, defecation and perspiration. The kidneys obviously need it to fulfill their role of blood filtration and urine production. In addition, drinking enough aids digestion.

“The first line of defense for relieving acute or chronic constipation is adequate hydration with water, explains Melanie Marcus, registered dietitian, to the site Eat This. Think about it, constipation is the result of digested food getting stuck in your intestines! Sometimes all it takes is staying well hydrated to get things moving.”

To know if you are sufficiently hydrated, it is enough to observe your urine. If it is pale to clear yellow, everything is fine. On the other hand, if the liquid is dark, it is absolutely necessary to drink more regularly. And for that, in France, you can drink tap water without worry. If you prefer bottled water, the only recommendation is to favor those that are low in sodium.

#benefits #water #health

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