Steam Refund Policy Update: 2 Hour Refund Time for Early Access Games

2024-04-24 13:30:20

There is a game purchase service on Steam that everyone knows about but doesn’t use often, namely “STEAM Refund”. Basically, refunds can be given if the purchase is less than 14 days and the game duration is less than 14 days. However, today, Valve updated its refund policy to include “early access to the game” in the calculation of the 2 hour refund.

Steam Updates Refund Policy to Include 2 Hours Refund Time for Early Access Games

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On the “Steam Refund” page it is explained that considering that players may “the computer does not meet the hardware requirements”, “you accidentally purchased the wrong computer” or “after playing for an hour, you find that you don’t “I don’t like it”, so in principle “For games and software purchased from the Steam store that are less than 14 days old and have less than 2 hours of play time, Valve will refund the request for the user for any reason.”

So how are these 2 hours calculated? The updated refund policy after the 24th includes “early access games” and changes to “If you purchase an early access or early access version of the game, any play time will be calculated as 2 hours.” During the repayment period.

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After reading this, some people might start to wonder about the difference between “early access” and “early access.” Valve also has a full explanation. First of all, “Early Access” is a feature that allows users who have pre-ordered the game to play the game before its official release. For example, the “deluxe” pre-order version may include an early experience option. For example, in “Modern Warfare III 2023”, as long as you have pre-ordered the Treasury Edition, you can experience the story campaign in advance.

“Early Access” is a unique development model that allows players to play the game during the development phase until the official launch of the finished product. Early Access will encourage developers to continue updating, while allowing players to provide feedback directly through gameplay and community discussions.

Taking the popular “Palworld/Eidolon Pallu” as an example, you can still see the description of “early access” on the store page. According to the developer’s explanation, “it is planned to be in this early access version for at least one year. Various content improvements will be made to improve the overall quality of the game.”

With the inclusion of “Early Access” and “Early Access” in the revised refund policy, players who have played games through “Early Access” in the past can request a refund as long as the game is released before release current. Even if the game is not released yet, as long as you play more than 2 hours via “Early Access”, you will not be able to request a refund.

The inclusion of “Early Trial Games” in the refund period calculation is naturally aimed at players who wish to pre-purchase the “Early Trial Games” qualifications and get a refund after playing them before release. free game features. Now The refund policy change will be based on the ability to start playing the game from now on, thus closing this loophole feature.

Steam Refund Policy Update Announcement

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