“Streptococcus”… a new infection that terrifies Britain and targets children

The British Health Ministry issued a statement issued today, Thursday, in which it announced that a number of children had been infected with streptococcal infection, which reached 19 cases during the past three months, and in this context, the Health Security Agency in London confirmed that it had monitored 74 deaths from the virus. streptococcus in England, including children under the age of 18, and due to the high number of infections with this infection, the British health authorities have included antibiotics effective against group A streptococcus infection on the list of drugs that are prohibited from being exported outside Britain, according to the latest report on infection streptococcus.

Streptococcal infection

Global health warns of streptococcal infection

The World Health Organization also appealed to the need to advocate for awareness in confronting the high incidence of fatal diseases among children, and this comes in closing a package of streptococcal infections among children, and the organization stated, in a joint statement with the European Union Health Authority, last Monday, that Ireland Spain, Sweden, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have detected an increase in cases of the dangerous disease known as streptococcal infection from the invasive group among children under the age of 10 in 2022, and the statement noted that many deaths were observed in that age group due to streptococcal infection, In Britain and France, the number of serious cases was very high than the numbers that were monitored during the same period before the Corona epidemic.

Causes of streptococcal infection

It is worth noting that the streptococcal virus usually causes only minor diseases, such as scarlet fever, and can be treated well with antibiotics, but in a few cases, it can cause serious complications, and severe cases require hospitalization for medical care, knowing that there is no Vaccination is available against group A streptococcus bacteria so far, as stated that streptococcal infection is caused by one of the many species of Streptococcus
These bacteria cause a lot of stress, including sore throats, pneumonia, bloodstream infections, and infections of wounds, skin, and heart valves.

Many types of these germs can spread in several ways, for example by coughing or sneezing, or through direct contact with a wound or ulcer that contains bacteria, or during natural childbirth (from mother to child), and this infection also affects multiple places. Depending on the area of ​​the body, signs may include swelling and redness of the tissues, scabby sores, sore throat, and rash. The infected person, and the doctor can know the infection according to the signs that the patient suffers from. As for confirming the diagnosis, it is by discovering germs in a swab of infected tissues, and supporting that with x-ray images. The condition can also be treated with antibiotics that are given by mouth, or intravenously in serious cases. .

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