“Stress and Chest Pressure: Understanding the Relationship and Finding Solutions”

2023-05-19 10:01:02

12:50 pm

Friday, May 19, 2023

Books – Karim Hassan

Chest pressure is more closely related to stress or anxiety than heart disease. When a person feels stressed or panicked, the body releases stress hormones that can cause all kinds of physical symptoms.

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In the following lines, the “Consulto” explains the fact that stress causes chest pain, according to the “Very well mind” website.

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The relationship between stress and chest pain

When you are under stress or experiencing anxiety, the body experiences a range of physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms, and this is an automatic response that you may not be aware of.

Under stress, the body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which have powerful effects on your body and mind. Each individual responds differently and experiences stress in unique ways. One such response is that you may feel pressure or severe pain in the chest.

Besides chest pressure, other potential stress-related responses may include:

– Jaw tightening.

– Tachycardia.

– shortness of breath.

Feeling nauseous.

– diarrhoea.

Having difficulty concentrating.

Feeling angry or irritable.

Scary thoughts or mental images

A feeling of chest tightness or pressure in the chest area is very common during times of stress or anxiety.

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Risk factors for chest pain on exertion

Anyone can experience chest pressure from stress, however, it is more common among people with anxiety disorders and panic attacks, since panic attacks are characterized by a more physical response to stress.

A 2019 study found that 28% of people hospitalized for chest pain who had normal angiograms, meaning they did not have heart disease, were eventually diagnosed with panic disorder.

Complications of stress and chest pain

Stress can affect the muscular system, respiratory system, hormones, digestive system, nervous system, and even the reproductive system. Stress is linked to conditions such as diabetes, obesity, depression, and chronic fatigue.

Although chest pressure is not always a sign of heart disease, stress can exacerbate heart disease.

When do you see a doctor when suffering from chest pain due to stress?

If you are suffering from stress and chest pressure, you do not need to worry, because it is possible that stress is the cause of your chest pressure. However, sometimes serious medical conditions cause chest pressure and pain.

If you have an underlying heart condition and are experiencing chest pressure, you should seek emergency medical care.

It should be noted that the symptoms of a heart attack usually occur after physical exertion, not during rest, and worsen over time, and include the most prominent

– Pain in the middle or on the left side of the chest that lasts for several minutes, and may go away and then return.

Feeling dizzy, weak, or that you might pass out.

Cold sweat.

Back, neck or jaw pain.

– Breathing difficulty.

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Tips for dealing with stress and chest pressure

It’s not always possible to avoid triggers of stress, such as work or relationship stress, but making certain lifestyle changes can help manage the stress you’ll experience, including:

Exercising daily.

Get enough sleep.

Do not miss meals.

Reduce caffeine intake.

Take time each day to lie down and breathe deeply.

Express your feelings to someone you trust.

#Stress #chest #pain

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