Stress and high blood pressure: what are the links?

2023-09-22 11:52:53

Reminder on hypertension : l’high blood pressure (hta), or high blood pressure, is characterized by abnormally high blood pressure on the walls of the arteries, at all times, even at rest or in the absence of stress. Hypertension greatly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg; in hypertensive people, blood pressure is equal to or greater than 140/90 mmHg.

Hypertension and stress: what is the link?

The relationships between stress and hypertension are still unclear. This is partly due to the fact that we do not know the causes and origins of hypertension… even if we have identified risk factors which would promote the rise in blood pressure. This is the case of being overweight, of a diet too rich in salt or even of diabetes… but also of stress! But it is clear that in a stressful situation, when we are anxious or anxious, our heart races… which suggests that our blood pressure also increases. It is important to remember that having a high blood pressure spike in a stressful situation is perfectly normal. It is the fact that blood pressure remains high at all times, even at rest, which characterizes high blood pressure…

Can stress cause high blood pressure?

When we are stressed or anxious, the sympathetic nervous system triggers a defense reaction in the body, inducing an increase in heart rate, and consequently in blood pressure, occasionally, over a given moment. From there to knowing if stress could generate hypertension, that is to say increase blood pressure in the long term…

Studies are working on the subject and one of them has shown that high levels of anxiety over a long period lead to an increase in blood pressure. But the results must be nuanced. And the researchers contradict themselves. Thus, another study revealed that anxiety would be associated with a (slightly) lower risk of hypertension.

Does being stressed increase the risk of hypertension?

If we feel like we’re stressed all the time, to the point that it can affect our mood and even the quality of our night, it may be interesting to take a closer look at your heart health. Because if stress is one of the factors involved in the appearance of hypertension, both are linked to a higher risk of heart problems.

However, it is possible to be hypertensive without being stressed… which proves that hypertension cannot be attributed (totally) to stress!

Does reducing stress help lower tension?

Solutions used to reduce stress are not effective in treating hypertension.

On the other hand, fighting stress will help improve your quality of life. And if we engage in physical activities known for their positive impact on stress, we can hope to lower our blood pressure since studies1 have shown that regular physical activity, endurance and moderate muscle strengthening can reduce blood pressure… The idea? Bank on recommended sports to combat both hypertension and stress. In this game, Qi Gong ticks all the boxes! And it’s not the only one: yoga, swimming, tac-chi, running, brisk walking are recommended whether you’re looking to combat stress as well as lower your blood pressure.

1. Effect of aerobic exercise on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomizedcontrolled trials. Ann Intern Med. Whelton SP, Chin A, Xin X, He J. 2002;136:493-503.

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