strikes at distribution centers not yet over

2023-04-29 15:27:24

The strike in Albert Heijn distribution centers is not over for the time being, which may result in many more empty shelves in supermarkets. At the moment, the trade union FNV even refuses to sit down with the supermarket chain again, which according to union director Levin Zühlke-van Hulzen offers far too little wages.

“The basis for further discussion is a 10 percent wage increase and no deterioration in terms of employment. Those are the preconditions and Albert Heijn does not meet them,” says Zühlke-van Hulzen to the ANP news agency. “So a conversation is of little use.”

Distribution centers

Work has been partly halted since last Sunday in the distribution centers, where a total of about 6,000 people work. Albert Heijn says it would like to talk further with the unions, but so far has not exceeded a wage increase of 8 percent. As it now seems, the strikes will therefore continue at the distribution locations in Zaandam, Zwolle, Geldermalsen, Pijnacker and Tilburg.

The strike would affect almost half of all AH supermarkets in the Netherlands. It differs per store how many customers notice exactly, and which products are temporarily no longer available.

Meanwhile, the relations between the trade union movement and the supermarket chain are becoming colder by the day. For example, employees would be pressured by Albert Heijn and cooperating employment agencies to return to work quickly, both FNV and CNV say.

From locations across the country, reports are ‘flowing in’ to FNV from employees who are told that they will get a worse work schedule, or even be fired, if they don’t get back to work soon.

Temporary workers

FNV also talks about Polish temporary workers who are called or even visited at home by their employment agency. CNV Vakmensen also receives these signals. Both unions call it completely unacceptable.

Albert Heijn strongly denied the allegations on Saturday. “Everyone has the right to strike,” a spokesperson told ANP. “Whether you are a permanent employee or a temporary employee, it does not matter. That right is not limited.” According to the spokesperson, both Albert Heijn itself and the employment agencies with which the group works would not be intimidated.

Read also:

Albert Heijn: impact of distribution center strikes on stocks still unclear

Albert Heijn cannot yet say what the exact impact of the strike in distribution centers will be on the supply of stores, a spokesman said.

#strikes #distribution #centers

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