Study: 45 reasons why you should give up added sugar



Study: 45 reasons why you should give up added sugar

April 06, 2023, 01:49 pm



London – Qena

A recent study showed that there are 45 reasons why a person should stop eating added sugar or reduce it, pointing to the enormous harm that added sugar causes to health.

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, recommended limiting added sugar, also known as “free sugar,” to less than 10 percent of a person’s total daily calories.

The study relied on 73 types of meta-analysis (an analysis whose core is integrating qualitative and quantitative data to reach accurate conclusions), including 8,601 studies that dealt with the consumption of added sugar in large quantities.

The large-scale study concluded that high sugar intake is associated with 45 negative health effects, including: (diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, cancer, asthma, dental contamination, and early death).

The researchers focused in the study on free sugar, which is added during the manufacture of foods or packed in the form of bars, sweeteners, and other types of sugar that are natural in their essence, such as honey and fruit juices in which the cellular structure is broken, and the study did not include sugar that is naturally present in dairy products. or fruits.

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