Study shows the relationship between brushing teeth and longevity

Experts continue to search for ways that can help a person live a long number of years – sometimes the number 100 and beyond, and this is also disease-free.

According to the new research published in the journal “Journal of Aging The key to living longer and healthier lies in maintaining oral health, but how can basic dental habits such as brushing help stimulate longevity?.

Experts explored the relationship between dental habit and its effect on longevity separately for men and women and discovered a shocking thing, that using toothbrush at night before bed was associated with longevity, in addition, the use of dental floss and regular visits to the doctor also played a role..

Furthermore, not brushing your teeth at night increases the risk of an early death by 25-30%.

Oral health and longevity

According to the study published on timesnownews ‘, related behaviors helped oral health It also helps maintain healthy, natural and functional teeth in the elderly while improving the chances of a longer life.

Discover that people with 20 or more teeth at the age of 70 have a much greater chance of living longer than people with less than 20 teeth .

Several studies also suggest that signs of oral health such as gum disease can also be associated with long-term risks of conditions such as heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes, and pregnancy complications.

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